Post by Brian SmithHere's what stood out for me in the premiere. Hopefully, I get names right.
--When Kyle and Kevin went on a Journey to compete for supplies for
their tribe, I was surprised the container they had to fill up was made
of glass. Did production do this on purpose hoping someone would get
sloppy and break the container?
Maybe. But the choice of glass containers may have also been to
allow the viewers (and each of the players) to see who was making
the most progress.
It is interesting that we have now seen the machete-pot-flint search
run in two different ways. In S47, the two players did not see each
other until the very end. In the current season, they seemed to be
right beside each other the whole time. I definitely prefer the way
the challenge was run in S47.
Post by Brian Smith--Sai's Beware Advantage was very well done. I don't think I would have
been able to figure that out. I don't think she would have either
without Cedric's help.
Yes. It was a cool puzzle. But the fact that three of her tribe mates
know that she has immunity may become a problem moving forward.
It appears that Production may have returned to the traditional
approach of allowing immunity items to keep their power up until F5.
I didn’t like the S47 twist of forcing players to play their immunity
objects at their next TC, whether they needed to or not.
Post by Brian Smith--I'm surprised the medical response to Kevin's injury wasn't shown. I
thought Jeff lived for stuff like that?
Yes, it seemed odd to me that it was even included in the edit.
Post by Brian Smith--The scene with Joe and Eva was the highlight for me and probably a lot
of other people. Someone on X commented that was probably the fastest
two players have ever bonded with fans. I love Eva's work ethic and hope
Joe will help her focus when she needs help.
I had a hunch, based on their EW profiles, that Joe and Eva’s stories
were going to figure prominently in this season, but it had not occurred
to me that they would bond so early in the game. You might want to
go back to that EW article and read Joe’s section again. There is
something from his past that partially explains his empathic reaction
to what Eva revealed about herself.
BTW, Eva actually doesn’t look much like Caroline Vidmar. The photo
of her in EW was deceiving.
Post by Brian Smith--There's a lot of striking similarities with recent players as far as
I'm concerned. For example, Sai is Katurah 2.0, Cedric is Bruce, and Joe
and Eva could be Ben and Kenz but in reverse roles. Jeff mentioned that
there are similarities between S46 and S48. I wonder if this is one of them?
Haha! That’s way too deep for me at this point. I need to figure out
the names of these people before I can begin comparing them to players
from earlier seasons. :-)
Post by Brian Smith--Once again playing a SITD did not work out. They should just get rid
of this twist as someone's game shouldn't end based on the pure luck of
another player.
I agree. I’ve hated the SITD twist from the moment it was revealed.
Post by Brian SmithOverall, it was a good premiere but not outstanding.
It was going to have to be pretty amazing to top the S47 premier which
I thought was outstanding. But, once again, Survivor appears to have
come up with another really interesting and diverse cast of characters.
I’m feeling good about this season.
A couple of other thoughts:
-Green Tribe looks to have been shortchanged in terms of athleticism.
OTOH, Purple Tribe should be dominant in the early challenges.
-Joe didn’t exactly look thrilled to be included in an alliance called
the “California Girls”. :-)
-That muscle bound stuntman on Orange Tribe is beginning to irritate