Post by Brian SmithTonight's episode is titled "Run the Red Light." I think we're in for
another good one tonight.
Tonight’s episode was the Liz show. We also saw some 180 degree turns
from a couple of the players which might impact the game going forward.
The episode started back at camp after the Hunter blindside. We found
out from Liz that the split vote was planned. She was pissed at being
left out. I think Kenz said to her it was a last-minute thing and Venus
added they didn’t decide until 10 minutes before TC. We were shown
nothing of what happened, which I found disappointing. I’d like to know
who initiated the split vote talk. Tiff also correctly said that Hunter
probably had an idol but didn’t play it because he thought everyone was
focused on getting Q out. The edit was good foreshadowing of what would
happen tonight. Maria also talked to Q and told him not to give up. She
pitched blindsiding Tiff. More good foreshadowing.
Reward Challenge
Applebee’s! Did Applebee’s decide not to come back until there was a
player who had a great story that involved them? Anyway, the winner
would get the full Applebee’s treatment at the Sanctuary. They would
also get to spend the night. We found out that Liz is a HUGE Applebee’s
fan. She goes there every Wednesday night after picking her daughter up
from yoga and then they go home to watch Survivor.
Unfortunately for Liz, she sucked at the challenge. Q won and he of
course got to choose people to go with him. Surprisingly, he chose Tiff
first saying he wanted to patch things up with her. Then Liz started
begging saying she’s had ZERO calories since the merge. Q’s second
choice was Maria because she was nice to him when no one else was. For
his last choice it looked for a second that he might choose Liz. But he
chose Kenz saying he wanted to bring the family back together. Liz then
lost it. She started screaming and openly blamed Q for blowing her game
up. I don’t recall ever seeing a player get that angry over not being
chosen to go on a reward. Then in a confessional, Kenz basically trashed
Q for not choosing Liz.
They ate so much that they didn’t have room to eat Liz’s favorite
Bourbon burgers. After eating, Q went for a walk to wear off the food.
The second he left, Tiff and Kenz started trashing him, which surprised
Maria. They both said being chosen to go on the reward was not going to
change their view of Q. Kenz referred to him as her unhealthy
ex-boyfriend. This talk made Maria question whether she wanted to work
with Q.
Immunity Challenge (Day 18)
Jeff tempted them again with more rice, but the price was too high as he
still wanted four people to sit out. Kenz stepped forward but no one
else did. Then he offered individual portions which Liz took after
everyone gave their blessings.
Tiff looked rock solid throughout the challenge but out of the blue it
looked like her arm gave out and her bucket came crashing down giving
Charlie individual immunity. In a confessional. Charlie said he’s been
building up his grip strength over the last two years.
Back at Camp
Maria and Charlie were determined to blindside Tiff. At the beginning of
the episode, they talked with Kenz about this, and she was on board. But
after the reward, Kenz no longer felt it and was out. Maria and Charlie
needed one more vote (they had Ben and Q). Maria said she can’t work
with Venus and that Liz was dead set on taking Q out. Charlie said they
had to go with Liz because Venus is too volatile of a player.
Tribal Council (Night 19)
When they came into TC, Kenzie’s hair caught on fire when she was
lighting her torch. Jeff seemed very unconcerned about it. Jeff:
“Kenzie, did your hair catch on fire?” as he watched Venus extinguish
the flames. Do they have fire extinguishers on set?
Jeff talked a lot about blindsides, but they all told him that tonight
was different. They all said they wanted Q out. Q said he was ready to
accept his fate. The end result was that five of them were lying to
Jeff. Tiff was blindsided in a 5–3 vote. She, Venus, and Kenz voted for
Q. Maria and Charlie somehow managed to convince Liz to keep Q. I was
really surprised that Tiff took such a risk after the last two TCs being
so similar to this one. Like Hunter, she got greedy, and it bit her in
the butt.
Next Episode
Looks like Q pisses people off again, Venus says Maria’s evil, and
there’s a big scramble to find an idol.
Coming out of this episode, it looks like Venus and Kenz are in bad
positions and could be easy targets. To me, it makes no sense going
after Q again right away. When are people going to catch on that Maria
and Charlie are running things now? Maybe the preview for next week is
signaling that Venus wants to target Maria. If Charlie’s smart, he’ll
take out Maria before she takes him out.