Post by Brian SmithTonight's episode is titled "He's All That." Sounds like there might be
an advantage in one of the food items at the Survivor Auction. Sol also
says there's a genuine connection between him and Rachel. He's trying to
form the SSAs—Sol's Secret Agents.
I thought tonight’s episode had some very entertaining moments along
with some very smart gameplay.
Near the beginning of the episode Caroline found a table setup with
bowls on it and nametags for each of them. She brought the others to the
table and then read out the message that was on the table. It was
Survivor Auction time but before the auction they all had to go and find
as many tubes of money as they could. Sierra was finding tubes like
crazy and ended up with a whopping $1,060. Sam found just one tube, but
it contained $360. Andy found no tubes. I don’t recall that happening
before. In one scene they showed him walking right by at least six
tubes. The good thing for Andy was that there was no chance he would
lose his vote as the person with the most money left at the end of the
auction would lose theirs.
Caroline stood out for me during the auction. There was one item where
Jeff allowed multiple people to pay $200 (?) to be able to compete for
the item. The challenge ended up being the first person to eat two live
grubs would win the food item. Caroline didn’t win but she was a real
trooper eating them. She also ended up buying two giant fish eyes which
she didn’t hesitate to eat. She did get some food thanks to Sierra.
Sierra won chocolate and a big bowl of peanut butter which she could
share with two people. She chose Sam and Caroline. They got to pig out
for three minutes.
Rachel ended up buying the best item. She ended up with a burger and
fries along with a beer. As she was eating, she noticed a small note in
her bowl of fries. When she got the chance, she grabbed the note and
stuck it in her bra.
Sam ended up with the most money left at the end of the auction and lost
his vote which sucked for him because everyone knew he wouldn’t be able
to vote at TC.
Immunity Challenge
The challenge was the one where you must keep up a large pot that weighs
25% of your pregame weight. Jeff said at the start there would be two
immunity winners: guy who lasts the longest and the girl who lasts the
longest. Within the first minute, Sam was out along with two other
people. I thought Sam would do better even though his pot/bucket weighed
over 50lbs. Sue lasted longest among the women and Kyle for the guys. It
was Kyle’s third straight Individual Immunity which made him worried.
Before the commercial break, Sue encouraged people to get out of bed and
off their couches and to apply for the show.
Back at Camp
When Rachel got the chance, she ran off and read her advantage note. It
said there’s an idol sown into the fabric of the tarp at their camp. The
problem for Rachel was there’s two tarps and she didn’t know if she’d
have to climb a tree to get to it. She managed to quickly figure out
where it was but had to wait to find the right time to get the idol out
of the tarp.
In a surprising move, Andy decided this was the time to backstab Sam and
Sierra. He went to Caroline and told her they were using him and that he
wanted one of them gone. Caroline was like “hell yeah!” He also
approached other people including Sol and Gen. Sue, Caroline, and Gen
then talked. Gen said it would be better to blindside Rachel as she’s
more strategic and dangerous. Caroline told us that she was mad because
that’s the move she wanted to make.
Going into TC it was obvious a Gata member would be going.
Tribal Council
During TC I noticed the camera would focus on Rachel quite often. I was
worried that they were letting us know that Rachel was going to be
blindsided with an idol in her pocket and that’s why they included her
comment about her husband last week. Then we saw her take something out
of her bag and put it in her jacket pocket. I thought she was going to
play her idol.
When the voting was over and Jeff asked if anyone had an idol, etc. they
wanted to play, there was a long pause. Rachel finally said “Jeff, … I
played my Shot in the Dark.” Everyone looked shocked and Rachel was
taking it all in. Brilliant move on Rachel’s part. This allowed her to
gauge the reaction of the others and let her know whether she should
play her idol. The SITD attempt failed but she knew she was safe based
on the reaction of the others and didn’t play her idol.
The vote ended up being 4–4–1 (Sam, Sierra, Gabe). In the tiebreaker,
Sierra was voted out 7–1 and was totally blindsided. Rachel couldn’t
vote because she used her SITD but that means she has no blood on her
hands when it comes to Sierra.
Next Episode
Sam is pissed and it looks like everyone is being targeted.
Rachel was brilliant tonight, as were Caroline and Gen. Andy’s underdog
story continues.