Post by ZeppoPost by Brian SmithTonight's episode is titled "Epic Boss Girl Move."
More later...
-I think that Rome’s decision to tell Anika about his immunity object was
to his compulsion to show off, rather than to gain her trust. His social play
bad beyond belief.
Totally agree but I think he told Teeny who then told someone else
(Anika?). That sequence of events was pretty funny. When was the last
time we saw someone caught so red handed like Teeny was. It'll probably
end up not mattering because of stupid Rome is.
The scene on the beach where Rome claimed he could have been an NBA star
and a top rapper was one of the funniest and cringiest in years. NBA
star despite stopping to play in high school?
Post by Zeppo-Anika’s confessional in which she talked about all the men that she had
through dating apps, and how that experience has resulted in a finely tuned
ability to identify potentially “clingy toxic boyfriends” probably fell
under the
category of TMI.
Many on this cast are giving me BB player vibes. It's like Jesse got
mixed up when he was casting the two shows.
Post by Zeppo-Andy’s (in)decision to put the “Beware Advantage” parchment back was
totally in character.
I can't recall anyone in the past not opening a "Beware Advantage." That
should have been the end for him but he seems very lucky.
Post by Zeppo-I liked the challenge. There were a number of elements that we have seen
before, but with new wrinkles. However, Andy going all Norman Bates on the
rice bag was somewhat disturbing.
Was Andy the one Jeff was yelling at "Watch your hands!" That was
disturbing. He does give off serial killer vibes.
Post by Zeppo-What was the point of including Probst calling out Rachel about the rice in
the edit? It seemed bloody hypocritical given that he had allowed Liz to
essentially win a critical immunity challenge for Kenzie in S46.
Mike Bloom had a great tweet about this last night.
In 2003, Rupert stole the opposing tribe's shoes and sold them. It was
voted the next season as the greatest moment in #Survivor history
Over 20 years later, Jeff narcs on Rachel and makes her dump out the
rice she pocketed during the challenge.
Unless there was a rule stating you couldn't take some of the rice
(pretty sure there wasn't), Jeff should have congratulated Rachel for
being ingenious.
Post by Zeppo-I felt the warm glow of nostalgia upon seeing Sue’s old school implants.
nothing else, they should keep her afloat.
I was worried for a minute your girl might get the boot. TK, who I
thought was in a great spot, turned out to be Survivor stupid. Did he
expect his tribe to turn into clones of himself?
Post by Zeppo-Gabe had a terrific tribal council. I liked his explanation of social vs.
relationships, and his ability to use humour to deflect the insinuation by
of his tribe mates that he was sneaky around camp.
Before TC, I didn't think too highly of him.
Post by Zeppo-Caroline looked like a doofus when she appeared to be reluctant to accept
offer to vote with her. What exactly was she planning to do at TC?
Until he showed her his HHI, I think she planned on voting him out.
I enjoyed this episode. I was highly entertained watching some pretty
bad gameplay. Does anyone standout to you as being a really good player?
Kyle did for a while for me but he looked like he was in shock after TK
was blindsided. He could be next unless he makes a quick recovery.