Brian Smith
2024-04-25 05:57:01 UTC
Tonight’s episode was titled “Spicy Jeff.” Earlier today, Q tweeted that
we should not miss this episode and to expect more craziness. He was right.
The episode started off back at camp after the Tevin blindside. We found
out the plan was to always blindside Tevin, but Q tried to flip the vote
out and get Tiff out. He told Tiff because she targeted Maria that he
was just following what the 6 alliance had agreed on and that was to
take out the targeter. Tiff was pissed that he told people she has a
HII. I thought it was funny how they showed Liz and Venus watching from
the sidelines and commenting. Venus: “Sounds like a family dispute.” We
also found out that Liz is mad at Q because his antics took the
spotlight off her move of getting Tevin out.
The next morning Q and Liz came back to camp with treemail. Liz read the
note which told them to break into three teams of three for the IC. Ben
looked at Tiff and said, “Do you want to rock ‘n roll?” to which she
immediately replied, “Sounds good!” Kenzie joined them a second later.
Hunter then said he hadn’t worked with Maria and Charlie before, so they
quickly teamed up leaving Venus stuck with Q and poor Liz, who according
to Venus, hadn’t eaten in 72 hours. Are these guys no longer fishing?
Immunity Challenge
This was very interesting. Jeff asked them how they formed teams and
Tiff said they were pretty casual about it which surprised Jeff given
the importance of winning immunity. Charlie then gave some bullshit
answer, but Tiff followed with the truth. She said it was “To get away
from chaotic energy” to which Jeff replied, “You’re talking about Q,
correct.” Q and Tiff then took shots at each other and confirmed the
Yanu 3 are done.
The IC had three stages to it with the last place team out at each stage
and the last team standing battling it out for individual immunity.
Before the challenge started, Jeff said he was putting on his fan hat
and predicted that Venus’s team would be first out. I was surprised he
would say something like that. Now I’m wondering if production places
bets on these challenges. Jeff ended up being wrong as Kenz had a ton of
trouble in the first part of the challenge allowing Venus’s team to
finish second. Hunter’s team won the second part of the challenge and
Charlie won individual immunity, outlasting Hunter in a torturous
challenge. This made Venus happy as it gave her more options on who to
Back at Camp
Q and Hunter were the obvious targets, but some people started
mentioning taking advantage of the situation to blindside someone else.
I was blindsided when Kenz went to Maria, Charlie, and Hunter suggesting
they blindside Tiff and flush her HII. Maria said we need five to which
Kenz replied, “Ben will vote with us.” Everyone was on board, but Maria
was disappointed Kenz would get credit for a move she wanted to make.
Charlie then went to talk to Tiff to make her feel comfortable. She told
him she wanted to get rid of her idol which killed the plan to blindside
her. Hunter then told Kenz he has an idol and was going to play it. This
led to a lot of scrambling. They told Liz and Venus about the idol which
kind of pissed them off because they were told last minute about it.
Venus told the others that Hunter has an idol, but they thought he was
Tribal Council (Night 17)
This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last TC did
not live up to expectations, which confused them. He then pulled out a
cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The popcorn setoff a few of
them so Jeff gave it to them. Liz was yelling to save her some. Jeff:
“Liz, you can eat popcorn?” Liz: “Yes!” Jeff: “We finally found
something that Liz can eat!”
Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1 Kenz asking
if people were voting for Q. She said they were, Venus said the same as
did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she said that so he wouldn’t play his
HII. I was shocked that neither of them played their idols. The vote
ended up being Q: 4, Hunter: 4, Ben:1 with Q voting for Ben and Hunter,
Liz, Venus, and Kenz voting for Q. Q is blindly loyal to the 6 alliance.
Did he think other people were voting for Ben? In the revote, Hunter was
voted out 7–1 with just Liz voting to boot Q. Did Hunter get played by
Venus and Kenz or did he make a fatal mistake not playing his HII?
Next Episode
Liz has a breakdown and is still pissed at Q for ruining her game. Maria
offers advice to Q and talks about making a huge move. Just imagine if
F3 is Maria, Q, and Venus.
Other than Q, it looks like everyone left is dead serious about making
big moves in order to win. I’m looking forward to how Kenz will handle
Tiff when Tiff finds out she tried to blindside her. Based on the edit,
I have a feeling Liz is going to get screwed over inadvertently by Q.
we should not miss this episode and to expect more craziness. He was right.
The episode started off back at camp after the Tevin blindside. We found
out the plan was to always blindside Tevin, but Q tried to flip the vote
out and get Tiff out. He told Tiff because she targeted Maria that he
was just following what the 6 alliance had agreed on and that was to
take out the targeter. Tiff was pissed that he told people she has a
HII. I thought it was funny how they showed Liz and Venus watching from
the sidelines and commenting. Venus: “Sounds like a family dispute.” We
also found out that Liz is mad at Q because his antics took the
spotlight off her move of getting Tevin out.
The next morning Q and Liz came back to camp with treemail. Liz read the
note which told them to break into three teams of three for the IC. Ben
looked at Tiff and said, “Do you want to rock ‘n roll?” to which she
immediately replied, “Sounds good!” Kenzie joined them a second later.
Hunter then said he hadn’t worked with Maria and Charlie before, so they
quickly teamed up leaving Venus stuck with Q and poor Liz, who according
to Venus, hadn’t eaten in 72 hours. Are these guys no longer fishing?
Immunity Challenge
This was very interesting. Jeff asked them how they formed teams and
Tiff said they were pretty casual about it which surprised Jeff given
the importance of winning immunity. Charlie then gave some bullshit
answer, but Tiff followed with the truth. She said it was “To get away
from chaotic energy” to which Jeff replied, “You’re talking about Q,
correct.” Q and Tiff then took shots at each other and confirmed the
Yanu 3 are done.
The IC had three stages to it with the last place team out at each stage
and the last team standing battling it out for individual immunity.
Before the challenge started, Jeff said he was putting on his fan hat
and predicted that Venus’s team would be first out. I was surprised he
would say something like that. Now I’m wondering if production places
bets on these challenges. Jeff ended up being wrong as Kenz had a ton of
trouble in the first part of the challenge allowing Venus’s team to
finish second. Hunter’s team won the second part of the challenge and
Charlie won individual immunity, outlasting Hunter in a torturous
challenge. This made Venus happy as it gave her more options on who to
Back at Camp
Q and Hunter were the obvious targets, but some people started
mentioning taking advantage of the situation to blindside someone else.
I was blindsided when Kenz went to Maria, Charlie, and Hunter suggesting
they blindside Tiff and flush her HII. Maria said we need five to which
Kenz replied, “Ben will vote with us.” Everyone was on board, but Maria
was disappointed Kenz would get credit for a move she wanted to make.
Charlie then went to talk to Tiff to make her feel comfortable. She told
him she wanted to get rid of her idol which killed the plan to blindside
her. Hunter then told Kenz he has an idol and was going to play it. This
led to a lot of scrambling. They told Liz and Venus about the idol which
kind of pissed them off because they were told last minute about it.
Venus told the others that Hunter has an idol, but they thought he was
Tribal Council (Night 17)
This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last TC did
not live up to expectations, which confused them. He then pulled out a
cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The popcorn setoff a few of
them so Jeff gave it to them. Liz was yelling to save her some. Jeff:
“Liz, you can eat popcorn?” Liz: “Yes!” Jeff: “We finally found
something that Liz can eat!”
Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1 Kenz asking
if people were voting for Q. She said they were, Venus said the same as
did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she said that so he wouldn’t play his
HII. I was shocked that neither of them played their idols. The vote
ended up being Q: 4, Hunter: 4, Ben:1 with Q voting for Ben and Hunter,
Liz, Venus, and Kenz voting for Q. Q is blindly loyal to the 6 alliance.
Did he think other people were voting for Ben? In the revote, Hunter was
voted out 7–1 with just Liz voting to boot Q. Did Hunter get played by
Venus and Kenz or did he make a fatal mistake not playing his HII?
Next Episode
Liz has a breakdown and is still pissed at Q for ruining her game. Maria
offers advice to Q and talks about making a huge move. Just imagine if
F3 is Maria, Q, and Venus.
Other than Q, it looks like everyone left is dead serious about making
big moves in order to win. I’m looking forward to how Kenz will handle
Tiff when Tiff finds out she tried to blindside her. Based on the edit,
I have a feeling Liz is going to get screwed over inadvertently by Q.