S46 Ep09 Spoilers and Comments (April 24, 2024)
(too old to reply)
Brian Smith
2024-04-25 05:57:01 UTC
Tonight’s episode was titled “Spicy Jeff.” Earlier today, Q tweeted that
we should not miss this episode and to expect more craziness. He was right.

The episode started off back at camp after the Tevin blindside. We found
out the plan was to always blindside Tevin, but Q tried to flip the vote
out and get Tiff out. He told Tiff because she targeted Maria that he
was just following what the 6 alliance had agreed on and that was to
take out the targeter. Tiff was pissed that he told people she has a
HII. I thought it was funny how they showed Liz and Venus watching from
the sidelines and commenting. Venus: “Sounds like a family dispute.” We
also found out that Liz is mad at Q because his antics took the
spotlight off her move of getting Tevin out.

The next morning Q and Liz came back to camp with treemail. Liz read the
note which told them to break into three teams of three for the IC. Ben
looked at Tiff and said, “Do you want to rock ‘n roll?” to which she
immediately replied, “Sounds good!” Kenzie joined them a second later.
Hunter then said he hadn’t worked with Maria and Charlie before, so they
quickly teamed up leaving Venus stuck with Q and poor Liz, who according
to Venus, hadn’t eaten in 72 hours. Are these guys no longer fishing?

Immunity Challenge

This was very interesting. Jeff asked them how they formed teams and
Tiff said they were pretty casual about it which surprised Jeff given
the importance of winning immunity. Charlie then gave some bullshit
answer, but Tiff followed with the truth. She said it was “To get away
from chaotic energy” to which Jeff replied, “You’re talking about Q,
correct.” Q and Tiff then took shots at each other and confirmed the
Yanu 3 are done.

The IC had three stages to it with the last place team out at each stage
and the last team standing battling it out for individual immunity.
Before the challenge started, Jeff said he was putting on his fan hat
and predicted that Venus’s team would be first out. I was surprised he
would say something like that. Now I’m wondering if production places
bets on these challenges. Jeff ended up being wrong as Kenz had a ton of
trouble in the first part of the challenge allowing Venus’s team to
finish second. Hunter’s team won the second part of the challenge and
Charlie won individual immunity, outlasting Hunter in a torturous
challenge. This made Venus happy as it gave her more options on who to

Back at Camp

Q and Hunter were the obvious targets, but some people started
mentioning taking advantage of the situation to blindside someone else.
I was blindsided when Kenz went to Maria, Charlie, and Hunter suggesting
they blindside Tiff and flush her HII. Maria said we need five to which
Kenz replied, “Ben will vote with us.” Everyone was on board, but Maria
was disappointed Kenz would get credit for a move she wanted to make.

Charlie then went to talk to Tiff to make her feel comfortable. She told
him she wanted to get rid of her idol which killed the plan to blindside
her. Hunter then told Kenz he has an idol and was going to play it. This
led to a lot of scrambling. They told Liz and Venus about the idol which
kind of pissed them off because they were told last minute about it.
Venus told the others that Hunter has an idol, but they thought he was

Tribal Council (Night 17)

This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last TC did
not live up to expectations, which confused them. He then pulled out a
cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The popcorn setoff a few of
them so Jeff gave it to them. Liz was yelling to save her some. Jeff:
“Liz, you can eat popcorn?” Liz: “Yes!” Jeff: “We finally found
something that Liz can eat!”

Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1 Kenz asking
if people were voting for Q. She said they were, Venus said the same as
did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she said that so he wouldn’t play his
HII. I was shocked that neither of them played their idols. The vote
ended up being Q: 4, Hunter: 4, Ben:1 with Q voting for Ben and Hunter,
Liz, Venus, and Kenz voting for Q. Q is blindly loyal to the 6 alliance.
Did he think other people were voting for Ben? In the revote, Hunter was
voted out 7–1 with just Liz voting to boot Q. Did Hunter get played by
Venus and Kenz or did he make a fatal mistake not playing his HII?

Next Episode

Liz has a breakdown and is still pissed at Q for ruining her game. Maria
offers advice to Q and talks about making a huge move. Just imagine if
F3 is Maria, Q, and Venus.

Other than Q, it looks like everyone left is dead serious about making
big moves in order to win. I’m looking forward to how Kenz will handle
Tiff when Tiff finds out she tried to blindside her. Based on the edit,
I have a feeling Liz is going to get screwed over inadvertently by Q.
Brian Smith
2024-04-25 06:21:58 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Tribal Council (Night 17)
This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last TC did
not live up to expectations, which confused them. He then pulled out a
cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The popcorn setoff a few of
“Liz, you can eat popcorn?” Liz: “Yes!” Jeff: “We finally found
something that Liz can eat!”
Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1 Kenz asking
if people were voting for Q. She said they were, Venus said the same as
did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she said that so he wouldn’t play his
HII. I was shocked that neither of them played their idols. The vote
ended up being Q: 4, Hunter: 4, Ben:1 with Q voting for Ben and Hunter,
Liz, Venus, and Kenz voting for Q. Q is blindly loyal to the 6 alliance.
Did he think other people were voting for Ben? In the revote, Hunter was
voted out 7–1 with just Liz voting to boot Q. Did Hunter get played by
Venus and Kenz or did he make a fatal mistake not playing his HII?
Fun fact: Hunter is the 24th player to be voted out while holding a
playable idol. Full list of players included in the second tweet. I had
totally forgotten that Andrea was voted out on Day 33 in S26 with an
idol in her pocket.

2024-04-25 13:13:59 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Tribal Council (Night 17)
This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last TC did not
live up to expectations, which confused them. He then pulled out a
cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The popcorn setoff a few of them
so Jeff gave it to them. Liz was yelling to save her some. Jeff: “Liz,
you can eat popcorn?” Liz: “Yes!” Jeff: “We finally found something that
Liz can eat!”
Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1 Kenz asking
if people were voting for Q. She said they were, Venus said the same as
did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she said that so he wouldn’t play his
HII. I was shocked that neither of them played their idols. The vote
ended up being Q: 4, Hunter: 4, Ben:1 with Q voting for Ben and Hunter,
Liz, Venus, and Kenz voting for Q. Q is blindly loyal to the 6 alliance.
Did he think other people were voting for Ben? In the revote, Hunter was
voted out 7–1 with just Liz voting to boot Q. Did Hunter get played by
Venus and Kenz or did he make a fatal mistake not playing his HII?
Fun fact: Hunter is the 24th player to be voted out while holding a
playable idol. Full list of players included in the second tweet. I had
totally forgotten that Andrea was voted out on Day 33 in S26 with an idol
in her pocket.
I'd like to know what occurs more often - a player is voted out while
holding a legit idol, or a player plays an idol and it has no effect. Or to
put it a different way, what is the success rate or batting average of a
player playing an idol successfully.

And while we're at it - how many times (if ever, I can't think of an example
off-hand) has a player played an idol for another person and then the person
playing the idol gets voted out. I can only think of Erik Rickenbacker, who
famously gave away his immunity necklace, not an idol, to someone else.

Brian Smith
2024-04-25 21:58:50 UTC
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Tribal Council (Night 17)
This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last TC did
not live up to expectations, which confused them. He then pulled out
a cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The popcorn setoff a few
of them so Jeff gave it to them. Liz was yelling to save her some.
Jeff: “Liz, you can eat popcorn?” Liz: “Yes!” Jeff: “We finally found
something that Liz can eat!”
Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1 Kenz
asking if people were voting for Q. She said they were, Venus said
the same as did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she said that so he
wouldn’t play his HII. I was shocked that neither of them played
their idols. The vote ended up being Q: 4, Hunter: 4, Ben:1 with Q
voting for Ben and Hunter, Liz, Venus, and Kenz voting for Q. Q is
blindly loyal to the 6 alliance. Did he think other people were
voting for Ben? In the revote, Hunter was voted out 7–1 with just Liz
voting to boot Q. Did Hunter get played by Venus and Kenz or did he
make a fatal mistake not playing his HII?
Fun fact: Hunter is the 24th player to be voted out while holding a
playable idol. Full list of players included in the second tweet. I
had totally forgotten that Andrea was voted out on Day 33 in S26 with
an idol in her pocket.
I'd like to know what occurs more often - a player is voted out while
holding a legit idol, or a player plays an idol and it has no effect.
Or to put it a different way, what is the success rate or batting
average of a player playing an idol successfully.
And while we're at it - how many times (if ever, I can't think of an
example off-hand) has a player played an idol for another person and
then the person playing the idol gets voted out.  I can only think of
Erik Rickenbacker, who famously gave away his immunity necklace, not an
idol, to someone else.
How about in Heroes vs. Villains when J.T. gave Russell the HII the
Heroes found as a sign of good faith? This resulted in the epic TC where
Parv used two TCs and the end result was J.T. was voted out.
2024-04-26 04:26:41 UTC
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Tribal Council (Night 17)
This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last TC did
not live up to expectations, which confused them. He then pulled out a
cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The popcorn setoff a few of
“Liz, you can eat popcorn?” Liz: “Yes!” Jeff: “We finally found
something that Liz can eat!”
Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1 Kenz
asking if people were voting for Q. She said they were, Venus said the
same as did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she said that so he wouldn’t
play his HII. I was shocked that neither of them played their idols.
The vote ended up being Q: 4, Hunter: 4, Ben:1 with Q voting for Ben
and Hunter, Liz, Venus, and Kenz voting for Q. Q is blindly loyal to
the 6 alliance. Did he think other people were voting for Ben? In the
revote, Hunter was voted out 7–1 with just Liz voting to boot Q. Did
Hunter get played by Venus and Kenz or did he make a fatal mistake not
playing his HII?
Fun fact: Hunter is the 24th player to be voted out while holding a
playable idol. Full list of players included in the second tweet. I had
totally forgotten that Andrea was voted out on Day 33 in S26 with an
idol in her pocket.
I'd like to know what occurs more often - a player is voted out while
holding a legit idol, or a player plays an idol and it has no effect. Or
to put it a different way, what is the success rate or batting average of
a player playing an idol successfully.
And while we're at it - how many times (if ever, I can't think of an
example off-hand) has a player played an idol for another person and then
the person playing the idol gets voted out. I can only think of Erik
Rickenbacker, who famously gave away his immunity necklace, not an idol,
to someone else.
How about in Heroes vs. Villains when J.T. gave Russell the HII the Heroes
found as a sign of good faith? This resulted in the epic TC where Parv used
two TCs and the end result was J.T. was voted out.
Well I was thinking more of a case where someone plays the idol for another
person at a single TC and then the someone who gave away the idol is voted
out. I'm sure that has happened but can't think of any example.

The JT thing was an epic and much more complicated storyline over multiple
days where JT was able to smuggle the idol over to Russell who was on the
other tribe (Villains), not knowing who Russell was, because no one had seen
his season, and then at the next Heroes TC JT attended, he was voted out.
What always amazed me about that was that even though no one knew who
Russell was, they knew he was on the Villains tribe so why did they possibly
believe he would work with the Heroes?

Brian Smith
2024-04-26 07:47:58 UTC
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Tribal Council (Night 17)
This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last TC
did not live up to expectations, which confused them. He then
pulled out a cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The popcorn
setoff a few of them so Jeff gave it to them. Liz was yelling to
“We finally found something that Liz can eat!”
Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1 Kenz
asking if people were voting for Q. She said they were, Venus said
the same as did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she said that so he
wouldn’t play his HII. I was shocked that neither of them played
their idols. The vote ended up being Q: 4, Hunter: 4, Ben:1 with Q
voting for Ben and Hunter, Liz, Venus, and Kenz voting for Q. Q is
blindly loyal to the 6 alliance. Did he think other people were
voting for Ben? In the revote, Hunter was voted out 7–1 with just
Liz voting to boot Q. Did Hunter get played by Venus and Kenz or
did he make a fatal mistake not playing his HII?
Fun fact: Hunter is the 24th player to be voted out while holding a
playable idol. Full list of players included in the second tweet. I
had totally forgotten that Andrea was voted out on Day 33 in S26
with an idol in her pocket.
I'd like to know what occurs more often - a player is voted out while
holding a legit idol, or a player plays an idol and it has no
effect.  Or to put it a different way, what is the success rate or
batting average of a player playing an idol successfully.
And while we're at it - how many times (if ever, I can't think of an
example off-hand) has a player played an idol for another person and
then the person playing the idol gets voted out.  I can only think of
Erik Rickenbacker, who famously gave away his immunity necklace, not
an idol, to someone else.
How about in Heroes vs. Villains when J.T. gave Russell the HII the
Heroes found as a sign of good faith? This resulted in the epic TC
where Parv used two TCs and the end result was J.T. was voted out.
Well I was thinking more of a case where someone plays the idol for
another person at a single TC and then the someone who gave away the
idol is voted out.   I'm sure that has happened but can't think of any
Are you talking Individual Immunity idol or any type of idol or power?
Post by Rick
The JT thing was an epic and much more complicated storyline over
multiple days where JT was able to smuggle the idol over to Russell who
was on the other tribe (Villains), not knowing who Russell was, because
no one had seen his season, and then at the next Heroes TC JT attended,
he was voted out. What always amazed me about that was that even though
no one knew who Russell was, they knew he was on the Villains tribe so
why did they possibly believe he would work with the Heroes?
There was a lot of talk but then that production told Parv a lot about
Russell. The assigning of players as either a Hero or a Villain was
pretty random in a number of cases. For example, why was Court a Villain
and goods stealing Rupert a Hero? And why were Amanda and Parv assigned
differently? If Parv was a Villain b/c of Fans vs. Favorites then so
should have been Amanda. The players might have thought Russell was
misclassified like a lot of them were.
2024-04-26 14:58:03 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Tribal Council (Night 17)
This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last TC did
not live up to expectations, which confused them. He then pulled out
a cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The popcorn setoff a few
of them so Jeff gave it to them. Liz was yelling to save her some.
Jeff: “Liz, you can eat popcorn?” Liz: “Yes!” Jeff: “We finally found
something that Liz can eat!”
Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1 Kenz
asking if people were voting for Q. She said they were, Venus said
the same as did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she said that so he
wouldn’t play his HII. I was shocked that neither of them played
their idols. The vote ended up being Q: 4, Hunter: 4, Ben:1 with Q
voting for Ben and Hunter, Liz, Venus, and Kenz voting for Q. Q is
blindly loyal to the 6 alliance. Did he think other people were
voting for Ben? In the revote, Hunter was voted out 7–1 with just Liz
voting to boot Q. Did Hunter get played by Venus and Kenz or did he
make a fatal mistake not playing his HII?
Fun fact: Hunter is the 24th player to be voted out while holding a
playable idol. Full list of players included in the second tweet. I
had totally forgotten that Andrea was voted out on Day 33 in S26 with
an idol in her pocket.
I'd like to know what occurs more often - a player is voted out while
holding a legit idol, or a player plays an idol and it has no effect.
Or to put it a different way, what is the success rate or batting
average of a player playing an idol successfully.
And while we're at it - how many times (if ever, I can't think of an
example off-hand) has a player played an idol for another person and
then the person playing the idol gets voted out. I can only think of
Erik Rickenbacker, who famously gave away his immunity necklace, not an
idol, to someone else.
How about in Heroes vs. Villains when J.T. gave Russell the HII the
Heroes found as a sign of good faith? This resulted in the epic TC where
Parv used two TCs and the end result was J.T. was voted out.
Well I was thinking more of a case where someone plays the idol for
another person at a single TC and then the someone who gave away the idol
is voted out. I'm sure that has happened but can't think of any
Are you talking Individual Immunity idol or any type of idol or power?
Post by Rick
The JT thing was an epic and much more complicated storyline over
multiple days where JT was able to smuggle the idol over to Russell who
was on the other tribe (Villains), not knowing who Russell was, because
no one had seen his season, and then at the next Heroes TC JT attended,
he was voted out. What always amazed me about that was that even though
no one knew who Russell was, they knew he was on the Villains tribe so
why did they possibly believe he would work with the Heroes?
There was a lot of talk but then that production told Parv a lot about
Russell. The assigning of players as either a Hero or a Villain was pretty
random in a number of cases. For example, why was Court a Villain and goods
stealing Rupert a Hero? And why were Amanda and Parv assigned differently?
If Parv was a Villain b/c of Fans vs. Favorites then so should have been
Amanda. The players might have thought Russell was misclassified like a lot
of them were.
I wasn't aware that production had clued Parv in about Russell. That sounds
like interference in the game, especially if everyone wasn't given the same
information. Only thing I remember from the show was JT thinking Russell
was some naïve and innocent newcomer to the game that they could easily rope
into an alliance. The fact that he was classified as a "Villain" should
have given him some pause.

There was definitely some vagueness in the classification of who was a
villain and who was a hero. I figured Rupert was classified as a hero
because fans liked him and he did win the most popular player award that one
season. Yes, he stole shoes and such, but that was more in the spirit of
the game and being a "pirate" on that season. Rupert basically came across
as genuine and non-manipulative. OTOH, Court did have a bit of a reputation
as a schemer, so I could see her as a villain. Regarding Amanda and Parv,
my thought was that of the two of them, Parv was more strategic and seemed
to be smarter about the game, but honestly she could have been a hero as
much as a villain.

Yeah, I was trying to think of anyone who had a conventional immunity idol
which they played for someone else at a TC and then the person who handed
off the idol got voted off. Kind of like what Erik did except his was an
immunity necklace and not an idol. I'm sure this has happened at least
once, but I can't think of an example and don't feel like researching it.

Brian Smith
2024-04-26 18:28:27 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Tribal Council (Night 17)
This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last TC
did not live up to expectations, which confused them. He then
pulled out a cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The popcorn
setoff a few of them so Jeff gave it to them. Liz was yelling to
save her some. Jeff: “Liz, you can eat popcorn?” Liz: “Yes!”
Jeff: “We finally found something that Liz can eat!”
Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1 Kenz
asking if people were voting for Q. She said they were, Venus
said the same as did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she said that
so he wouldn’t play his HII. I was shocked that neither of them
played their idols. The vote ended up being Q: 4, Hunter: 4,
Ben:1 with Q voting for Ben and Hunter, Liz, Venus, and Kenz
voting for Q. Q is blindly loyal to the 6 alliance. Did he think
other people were voting for Ben? In the revote, Hunter was voted
out 7–1 with just Liz voting to boot Q. Did Hunter get played by
Venus and Kenz or did he make a fatal mistake not playing his HII?
Fun fact: Hunter is the 24th player to be voted out while holding
a playable idol. Full list of players included in the second
tweet. I had totally forgotten that Andrea was voted out on Day 33
in S26 with an idol in her pocket.
I'd like to know what occurs more often - a player is voted out
while holding a legit idol, or a player plays an idol and it has no
effect. Or to put it a different way, what is the success rate or
batting average of a player playing an idol successfully.
And while we're at it - how many times (if ever, I can't think of
an example off-hand) has a player played an idol for another person
and then the person playing the idol gets voted out.  I can only
think of Erik Rickenbacker, who famously gave away his immunity
necklace, not an idol, to someone else.
How about in Heroes vs. Villains when J.T. gave Russell the HII the
Heroes found as a sign of good faith? This resulted in the epic TC
where Parv used two TCs and the end result was J.T. was voted out.
Well I was thinking more of a case where someone plays the idol for
another person at a single TC and then the someone who gave away the
idol is voted out.   I'm sure that has happened but can't think of
any example.
Are you talking Individual Immunity idol or any type of idol or power?
Post by Rick
The JT thing was an epic and much more complicated storyline over
multiple days where JT was able to smuggle the idol over to Russell
who was on the other tribe (Villains), not knowing who Russell was,
because no one had seen his season, and then at the next Heroes TC JT
attended, he was voted out. What always amazed me about that was that
even though no one knew who Russell was, they knew he was on the
Villains tribe so why did they possibly believe he would work with
the Heroes?
There was a lot of talk but then that production told Parv a lot about
Russell. The assigning of players as either a Hero or a Villain was
pretty random in a number of cases. For example, why was Court a
Villain and goods stealing Rupert a Hero? And why were Amanda and Parv
assigned differently? If Parv was a Villain b/c of Fans vs. Favorites
then so should have been Amanda. The players might have thought
Russell was misclassified like a lot of them were.
I wasn't aware that production had clued Parv in about Russell.  That
sounds like interference in the game, especially if everyone wasn't
given the same information.  Only thing I remember from the show was JT
thinking Russell was some naïve and innocent newcomer to the game that
they could easily rope into an alliance.  The fact that he was
classified as a "Villain" should have given him some pause.
IIRC, the story is that Parv had a friend(s) in production and was told
about Russell. I believe the story. A lot of players like her become
friends with people in production. From what I remember, she seemed to
have figured out Russell very quickly that season. No idea if anyone
else was fed info about him.
There was definitely some vagueness in the classification of who was a
villain and who was a hero.  I figured Rupert was classified as a hero
because fans liked him and he did win the most popular player award that
one season.   Yes, he stole shoes and such, but that was more in the
spirit of the game and being a "pirate" on that season.   Rupert
basically came across as genuine and non-manipulative.  OTOH, Court did
have a bit of a reputation as a schemer, so I could see her as a
villain.  Regarding Amanda and Parv, my thought was that of the two of
them, Parv was more strategic and seemed to be smarter about the game,
but honestly she could have been a hero as much as a villain.
Yeah, I was trying to think of anyone who had a conventional immunity
idol which they played for someone else at a TC and then the person who
handed off the idol got voted off.   Kind of like what Erik did except
his was an immunity necklace and not an idol.   I'm sure this has
happened at least once, but I can't think of an example and don't feel
like researching it.
Here's a thread from about eight months ago on this very topic on
Reddit. Reading through the comments I see that someone mentions Brandon
also gave up Individual Immunity and got voted out on South Pacific
(Sophie's season).

2024-04-26 20:05:05 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Tribal Council (Night 17)
This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last TC
did not live up to expectations, which confused them. He then
pulled out a cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The popcorn
setoff a few of them so Jeff gave it to them. Liz was yelling to
“We finally found something that Liz can eat!”
Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1 Kenz
asking if people were voting for Q. She said they were, Venus said
the same as did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she said that so he
wouldn’t play his HII. I was shocked that neither of them played
their idols. The vote ended up being Q: 4, Hunter: 4, Ben:1 with Q
voting for Ben and Hunter, Liz, Venus, and Kenz voting for Q. Q is
blindly loyal to the 6 alliance. Did he think other people were
voting for Ben? In the revote, Hunter was voted out 7–1 with just
Liz voting to boot Q. Did Hunter get played by Venus and Kenz or
did he make a fatal mistake not playing his HII?
Fun fact: Hunter is the 24th player to be voted out while holding a
playable idol. Full list of players included in the second tweet. I
had totally forgotten that Andrea was voted out on Day 33 in S26
with an idol in her pocket.
I'd like to know what occurs more often - a player is voted out while
holding a legit idol, or a player plays an idol and it has no effect.
Or to put it a different way, what is the success rate or batting
average of a player playing an idol successfully.
And while we're at it - how many times (if ever, I can't think of an
example off-hand) has a player played an idol for another person and
then the person playing the idol gets voted out. I can only think of
Erik Rickenbacker, who famously gave away his immunity necklace, not
an idol, to someone else.
How about in Heroes vs. Villains when J.T. gave Russell the HII the
Heroes found as a sign of good faith? This resulted in the epic TC
where Parv used two TCs and the end result was J.T. was voted out.
Well I was thinking more of a case where someone plays the idol for
another person at a single TC and then the someone who gave away the
idol is voted out. I'm sure that has happened but can't think of any
Are you talking Individual Immunity idol or any type of idol or power?
Post by Rick
The JT thing was an epic and much more complicated storyline over
multiple days where JT was able to smuggle the idol over to Russell who
was on the other tribe (Villains), not knowing who Russell was, because
no one had seen his season, and then at the next Heroes TC JT attended,
he was voted out. What always amazed me about that was that even though
no one knew who Russell was, they knew he was on the Villains tribe so
why did they possibly believe he would work with the Heroes?
There was a lot of talk but then that production told Parv a lot about
Russell. The assigning of players as either a Hero or a Villain was
pretty random in a number of cases. For example, why was Court a Villain
and goods stealing Rupert a Hero? And why were Amanda and Parv assigned
differently? If Parv was a Villain b/c of Fans vs. Favorites then so
should have been Amanda. The players might have thought Russell was
misclassified like a lot of them were.
I wasn't aware that production had clued Parv in about Russell. That
sounds like interference in the game, especially if everyone wasn't given
the same information. Only thing I remember from the show was JT
thinking Russell was some naïve and innocent newcomer to the game that
they could easily rope into an alliance. The fact that he was classified
as a "Villain" should have given him some pause.
IIRC, the story is that Parv had a friend(s) in production and was told
about Russell. I believe the story. A lot of players like her become
friends with people in production. From what I remember, she seemed to have
figured out Russell very quickly that season. No idea if anyone else was
fed info about him.
Post by Rick
There was definitely some vagueness in the classification of who was a
villain and who was a hero. I figured Rupert was classified as a hero
because fans liked him and he did win the most popular player award that
one season. Yes, he stole shoes and such, but that was more in the
spirit of the game and being a "pirate" on that season. Rupert
basically came across as genuine and non-manipulative. OTOH, Court did
have a bit of a reputation as a schemer, so I could see her as a villain.
Regarding Amanda and Parv, my thought was that of the two of them, Parv
was more strategic and seemed to be smarter about the game, but honestly
she could have been a hero as much as a villain.
Yeah, I was trying to think of anyone who had a conventional immunity
idol which they played for someone else at a TC and then the person who
handed off the idol got voted off. Kind of like what Erik did except
his was an immunity necklace and not an idol. I'm sure this has
happened at least once, but I can't think of an example and don't feel
like researching it.
Here's a thread from about eight months ago on this very topic on Reddit.
Reading through the comments I see that someone mentions Brandon also gave
up Individual Immunity and got voted out on South Pacific (Sophie's
Interesting. Brandon and Erik both gave up immunity necklaces, which is a
different case because it happened before the vote and therefore affected
the vote. And Sandra did give her idol to Denise prior to a TC at which
Denise ended up playing the idol on herself and Sandra was voted out. But
the thread does seem to confirm that no one on US Survivor has ever played
their idol for someone else while at a TC and then the player giving away
the idol is voted out. That surprises me. I thought I remembered seeing
this, but I must have been confused by Australian Survivor, where I know it
has happened more than once.

Brian Smith
2024-04-26 20:49:21 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Rick
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Tribal Council (Night 17)
This was funny. Jeff started off by telling them that the last
TC did not live up to expectations, which confused them. He
then pulled out a cushion to sit on and a bowl of popcorn. The
popcorn setoff a few of them so Jeff gave it to them. Liz was
yelling to save her some. Jeff: “Liz, you can eat popcorn?”
Liz: “Yes!” Jeff: “We finally found something that Liz can eat!”
Hunter was so nervous all TC constantly whispering to his #1
Kenz asking if people were voting for Q. She said they were,
Venus said the same as did Liz. So did Tiff but I think she
said that so he wouldn’t play his HII. I was shocked that
4, Hunter: 4, Ben:1 with Q voting for Ben and Hunter, Liz,
Venus, and Kenz voting for Q. Q is blindly loyal to the 6
alliance. Did he think other people were voting for Ben? In the
revote, Hunter was voted out 7–1 with just Liz voting to boot
Q. Did Hunter get played by Venus and Kenz or did he make a
fatal mistake not playing his HII?
Fun fact: Hunter is the 24th player to be voted out while
holding a playable idol. Full list of players included in the
second tweet. I had totally forgotten that Andrea was voted out
on Day 33 in S26 with an idol in her pocket.
I'd like to know what occurs more often - a player is voted out
while holding a legit idol, or a player plays an idol and it has
no effect. Or to put it a different way, what is the success rate
or batting average of a player playing an idol successfully.
And while we're at it - how many times (if ever, I can't think of
an example off-hand) has a player played an idol for another
person and then the person playing the idol gets voted out.  I
can only think of Erik Rickenbacker, who famously gave away his
immunity necklace, not an idol, to someone else.
How about in Heroes vs. Villains when J.T. gave Russell the HII
the Heroes found as a sign of good faith? This resulted in the
epic TC where Parv used two TCs and the end result was J.T. was
voted out.
Well I was thinking more of a case where someone plays the idol for
another person at a single TC and then the someone who gave away
the idol is voted out.   I'm sure that has happened but can't think
of any example.
Are you talking Individual Immunity idol or any type of idol or power?
Post by Rick
The JT thing was an epic and much more complicated storyline over
multiple days where JT was able to smuggle the idol over to Russell
who was on the other tribe (Villains), not knowing who Russell was,
because no one had seen his season, and then at the next Heroes TC
JT attended, he was voted out. What always amazed me about that was
that even though no one knew who Russell was, they knew he was on
the Villains tribe so why did they possibly believe he would work
with the Heroes?
There was a lot of talk but then that production told Parv a lot
about Russell. The assigning of players as either a Hero or a
Villain was pretty random in a number of cases. For example, why was
Court a Villain and goods stealing Rupert a Hero? And why were
Amanda and Parv assigned differently? If Parv was a Villain b/c of
Fans vs. Favorites then so should have been Amanda. The players
might have thought Russell was misclassified like a lot of them were.
I wasn't aware that production had clued Parv in about Russell.  That
sounds like interference in the game, especially if everyone wasn't
given the same information.  Only thing I remember from the show was
JT thinking Russell was some naïve and innocent newcomer to the game
that they could easily rope into an alliance.  The fact that he was
classified as a "Villain" should have given him some pause.
IIRC, the story is that Parv had a friend(s) in production and was
told about Russell. I believe the story. A lot of players like her
become friends with people in production. From what I remember, she
seemed to have figured out Russell very quickly that season. No idea
if anyone else was fed info about him.
There was definitely some vagueness in the classification of who was
a villain and who was a hero.  I figured Rupert was classified as a
hero because fans liked him and he did win the most popular player
award that one season.   Yes, he stole shoes and such, but that was
more in the spirit of the game and being a "pirate" on that season.
Rupert basically came across as genuine and non-manipulative.  OTOH,
Court did have a bit of a reputation as a schemer, so I could see her
as a villain. Regarding Amanda and Parv, my thought was that of the
two of them, Parv was more strategic and seemed to be smarter about
the game, but honestly she could have been a hero as much as a villain.
Yeah, I was trying to think of anyone who had a conventional immunity
idol which they played for someone else at a TC and then the person
who handed off the idol got voted off.   Kind of like what Erik did
except his was an immunity necklace and not an idol.   I'm sure this
has happened at least once, but I can't think of an example and don't
feel like researching it.
Here's a thread from about eight months ago on this very topic on
Reddit. Reading through the comments I see that someone mentions
Brandon also gave up Individual Immunity and got voted out on South
Pacific (Sophie's season).
Interesting.  Brandon and Erik both gave up immunity necklaces, which is
a different case because it happened before the vote and therefore
affected the vote.   And Sandra did give her idol to Denise prior to a
TC at which Denise ended up playing the idol on herself and Sandra was
voted out.  But the thread does seem to confirm that no one on US
Survivor has ever played their idol for someone else while at a TC and
then the player giving away the idol is voted out.   That surprises me.
I thought I remembered seeing this, but I must have been confused by
Australian Survivor, where I know it has happened more than once.
It surprises me as well but at the same time it doesn't. With so many
powers floating around you never know if the player has another idol or
some type of advantage that can negate the votes against them putting
you at risk to be booted.
2024-04-26 20:12:23 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Here's a thread from about eight months ago on this very topic on
Reddit. Reading through the comments I see that someone mentions Brandon
also gave up Individual Immunity and got voted out on South Pacific
(Sophie's season).
IIRC, Hantz Junior gave the immunity necklace that he had won at
the most recent challenge to another player. HJ was subsequently
sent to Redemption Island in the subsequent vote where he was
defeated in a duel with Ozzy.
Brian Smith
2024-04-26 20:41:43 UTC
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Here's a thread from about eight months ago on this very topic on
Reddit. Reading through the comments I see that someone mentions Brandon
also gave up Individual Immunity and got voted out on South Pacific
(Sophie's season).
IIRC, Hantz Junior gave the immunity necklace that he had won at
the most recent challenge to another player. HJ was subsequently
sent to Redemption Island in the subsequent vote where he was
defeated in a duel with Ozzy.
Redemption Island partially explains why he was willing to risk giving
up the immunity necklace. But did he think he could beat Ozzy in a
challenge? Or did he think the vote would go differently? I can't recall
if he believed Coach was closer to him than Sophie. When Brandon lost
the duel to Ozzy, Jeff must have thought his stupid RI twist was going
to result in his second fave in a row winning the game. Thank God Sophie
staged that miraculous comeback in the following (?) IC which allowed
the tribe to boot Ozzy. Jeff seemed to hold that against Sophie for
years and probably still does.
2024-04-25 20:05:11 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
The episode started off back at camp after the Tevin blindside. We found
out the plan was to always blindside Tevin, but Q tried to flip the vote
out and get Tiff out.
IMO, his explanation was even more incoherent than usual.
Post by Brian Smith
Are these guys no longer fishing?
They seem to prefer to forage in the intertidal zone. We saw Hunter
carrying the hawaiian sling in E09, but it's been ages since we have
been shown any of the players using the boat and the scuba gear to
actually fish. In E02, Green and Orange Tribe both won a large
amount of fishing gear at the reward challenge. I wonder what
became of all that stuff?
Post by Brian Smith
Jeff said he was putting on his fan hat
and predicted that Venus’s team would be first out. I was surprised he
would say something like that.
That really annoyed me. Probst has long maintained the habit of yelling
insulting comments at the players during challenges. But, in the current
season, he has begun to say and do things that place the focus on him
rather than the players. Not a good look, IMO.
Post by Brian Smith
Charlie then went to talk to Tiff to make her feel comfortable.
That was the excuse he gave to Maria, but I suspect, in reality, he wanted
to get a sense of what Tiffany planned to do with her immunity item. As it
turned out Tiffany played Charlie by adamantly stating that she was going
use the amulet. She knew that once Charlie told the others what she had
said to him, she would likely be safe at TC.
Post by Brian Smith
Hunter then told Kenz he has an idol and was going to play it.
He told everybody that he could find that he had an idol and that he
was going to play it. He also told Cue that he was planning to vote
for Ben.
Post by Brian Smith
Did Hunter get played by
Venus and Kenz
Not exactly. Venus and Kenzie did vote for Cue, just as they told
Hunter they would.His mistakes were telling everybody that he had
an immunity item, and then not using it. In he end, Hunter revealed
himself to be an athletic guy who looked good with this shirt off, but
who had absolutely no game at all. Those scenes of him pleading
with the other players at TC for direction made him look almost as
pathetic as Bhanu. So disappointing! His best play was to use his
amulet and vote for Ben, just as he told Cue he was going to. By
doing so, Cue would have been sent to Ponderosa and Hunter
would have had a chance to play some more, and maybe even find
his amulet again.

BTW, what was Tiffany doing voting for Hunter instead of Cue?
Brian Smith
2024-04-25 20:58:24 UTC
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
The episode started off back at camp after the Tevin blindside. We found
out the plan was to always blindside Tevin, but Q tried to flip the vote
out and get Tiff out.
IMO, his explanation was even more incoherent than usual.
Q's all about the 6!
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Are these guys no longer fishing?
They seem to prefer to forage in the intertidal zone. We saw Hunter
carrying the hawaiian sling in E09, but it's been ages since we have
been shown any of the players using the boat and the scuba gear to
actually fish. In E02, Green and Orange Tribe both won a large
amount of fishing gear at the reward challenge. I wonder what
became of all that stuff?
Great point about the equipment. Do they lose stuff like that when they
merge or move to a different beach? Dalton needs to ask Jeff about stuff
like that so we're not left wondering.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Jeff said he was putting on his fan hat
and predicted that Venus’s team would be first out. I was surprised he
would say something like that.
That really annoyed me. Probst has long maintained the habit of yelling
insulting comments at the players during challenges. But, in the current
season, he has begun to say and do things that place the focus on him
rather than the players. Not a good look, IMO.
Lots of people online including past players are not happy with what he
did. Looking back, I don't recall any of those three sucking in a
challenge. Other than Hunter and possibly Charlie, who else has been a
challenge beast?
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Charlie then went to talk to Tiff to make her feel comfortable.
That was the excuse he gave to Maria, but I suspect, in reality, he wanted
to get a sense of what Tiffany planned to do with her immunity item. As it
turned out Tiffany played Charlie by adamantly stating that she was going
use the amulet. She knew that once Charlie told the others what she had
said to him, she would likely be safe at TC.
She did a great job because Maria was more than willing to take a shot
at her even if Kenz would get the credit.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Hunter then told Kenz he has an idol and was going to play it.
He told everybody that he could find that he had an idol and that he
was going to play it. He also told Cue that he was planning to vote
for Ben.
He did tell others but IIRC, he told Kenz first and told her she's his
#1 which surprised me. He also lied to Q so he deserved to go home just
for that. lol
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Did Hunter get played by
Venus and Kenz
Not exactly. Venus and Kenzie did vote for Cue, just as they told
Hunter they would.His mistakes were telling everybody that he had
an immunity item, and then not using it. In he end, Hunter revealed
himself to be an athletic guy who looked good with this shirt off, but
who had absolutely no game at all. Those scenes of him pleading
with the other players at TC for direction made him look almost as
pathetic as Bhanu. So disappointing! His best play was to use his
amulet and vote for Ben, just as he told Cue he was going to. By
doing so, Cue would have been sent to Ponderosa and Hunter
would have had a chance to play some more, and maybe even find
his amulet again.
Totally agree. He screwed up big time. Q ended up being correct when he
said Hunter wasn't smart enough to think strategically on his own. It
looked like he was ready to play his idol but didn't want to unless Tiff
played hers as well.
Post by Zeppo
BTW, what was Tiffany doing voting for Hunter instead of Cue?
I think it goes back to an earlier part of the episode where they
basically said they weren't going to make it that easy for Q o leave the
game. I also think Tiff knows that there's no way in hell Q can win if
he gets to F3 which makes him the perfect person to take to the end.
2024-04-25 23:43:02 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Great point about the equipment. Do they lose stuff like that when they
merge or move to a different beach?
The parchment that was delivered to Green Tribe and Purple Tribe
said that they had ten minutes to gather their stuff. We heard Ben say
that he would get his tribe’s fishing gear. The merge took place at
Orange Tribe’s camp, so the larger of the two collections of fishing
equipment would be accessible to all the players. So, it does seem
a little odd that, since the merge, we have not seen anybody using
the scuba gear and the hawaiian sling to catch fish, especially given
Liz’s dietary restrictions.
Post by Brian Smith
I don't recall any of those three sucking in a
You have forgotten about Quintavius’s humiliation in the E03 bean bag
toss, and Liz getting bogged down in the E06 mud pit of terror. OTOH,
Venus has turned out to be more athletic than I had anticipated. Earlier
In the game I was expecting her to be Courtney Yates’ dark haired
doppelgänger :-)
Post by Brian Smith
He did tell others but IIRC, he told Kenz first and told her she's his
#1 which surprised me.
It certainly must have surprised Kenzie as well. At that point,
Hunter was willing to say anything to anybody, no matter how
ridiculous it sounded.
Post by Brian Smith
He also lied to Q so he deserved to go home just
for that. lol
When he was scrambling like a crazy man at TC, I’m sure that
Hunter had forgotten all about the Ben vote that he had pitched
to Quintavius
Post by Brian Smith
Totally agree. He screwed up big time. Q ended up being correct when he
said Hunter wasn't smart enough to think strategically on his own.
I’ll give the big man credit for that.
Post by Brian Smith
I think it goes back to an earlier part of the episode where they
basically said they weren't going to make it that easy for Q o leave the
game. I also think Tiff knows that there's no way in hell Q can win if
he gets to F3 which makes him the perfect person to take to the end.
Good point! There’s absolutely no way that Quintavius can win S46.
So I am left to wonder: If Charlie makes it to FTC, is there anybody that
can beat him? Damn...he is getting a great edit.
Brian Smith
2024-04-26 01:35:16 UTC
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Great point about the equipment. Do they lose stuff like that when they
merge or move to a different beach?
The parchment that was delivered to Green Tribe and Purple Tribe
said that they had ten minutes to gather their stuff. We heard Ben say
that he would get his tribe’s fishing gear. The merge took place at
Orange Tribe’s camp, so the larger of the two collections of fishing
equipment would be accessible to all the players. So, it does seem
a little odd that, since the merge, we have not seen anybody using
the scuba gear and the hawaiian sling to catch fish, especially given
Liz’s dietary restrictions.
This confirms what I thought was/is the situation with what camp they're
at and what they have for fishing gear. Maybe they've been unlucky but
that's hard to believe given they were catching fish before. Does the
sped up schedule kill their fishing time. Ep09 covered 24 hours of game
time and a lot happened.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
I don't recall any of those three sucking in a
You have forgotten about Quintavius’s humiliation in the E03 bean bag
toss, and Liz getting bogged down in the E06 mud pit of terror. OTOH,
Venus has turned out to be more athletic than I had anticipated. Earlier
In the game I was expecting her to be Courtney Yates’ dark haired
doppelgänger :-)
I did forget about the bean bag toss. I'm cutting Liz some slack on the
mud. I'm amazed she's still standing going 3+ days in a row with no
food. Venus has been playing a better game than the edit lets on. Fun
fact: she and Liz are the last two Nami standing. No one expected that
would happen earlier in the season.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
He did tell others but IIRC, he told Kenz first and told her she's his
#1 which surprised me.
It certainly must have surprised Kenzie as well. At that point,
Hunter was willing to say anything to anybody, no matter how
ridiculous it sounded.
It was good enough for Venus and Kenz. They're smart enough to see that
Hunter is a huge shield and no doubt have noticed that he's not the
smartest strategic player.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
He also lied to Q so he deserved to go home just
for that. lol
When he was scrambling like a crazy man at TC, I’m sure that
Hunter had forgotten all about the Ben vote that he had pitched
to Quintavius
I think he forgot Survivor basics. If you're feeling as stressed as he
was you play your HII to live another day. He must have also forgot he
could hunt for the same HII the next day.,
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Totally agree. He screwed up big time. Q ended up being correct when he
said Hunter wasn't smart enough to think strategically on his own.
I’ll give the big man credit for that.
Post by Brian Smith
I think it goes back to an earlier part of the episode where they
basically said they weren't going to make it that easy for Q o leave the
game. I also think Tiff knows that there's no way in hell Q can win if
he gets to F3 which makes him the perfect person to take to the end.
Good point! There’s absolutely no way that Quintavius can win S46.
So I am left to wonder: If Charlie makes it to FTC, is there anybody that
can beat him? Damn...he is getting a great edit.
IIRC, Mike Bloom (?) tweeted last night that he thinks Maria and Charlie
are screwing up playing the middle. I think Tiff and Kenz could beat
Charlie. If Liz makes it to the end she would have a good story and
could probably sell it. If everyone knew about Bhanu, Kenz would win by
2024-04-26 21:32:48 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Venus has been playing a better game than the edit lets on. Fun
fact: she and Liz are the last two Nami standing. No one expected that
would happen earlier in the season.
IMO, things may have played out a lot differently if Randen had stayed
in the game. He had found the same Beware Advantage that eventually
ended up in Hunter’s hands, and had shared that information with Venus.
He was also a big strong guy who certainly wouldn’t have hurt Orange Tribe
in challenges. Of course, he may not have been able to find the key that
opened the locked advantage box which, as Hunter found out, was not
exactly a gimme. But, with him still in the game, Orange Tribe would have
gone into the merge with all six members, and somebody who appeared
committed to working with Venus. As a result, subsequent votes may have
turned out quite differently.
Post by Brian Smith
It was good enough for Venus and Kenz. They're smart enough to see that
Hunter is a huge shield and no doubt have noticed that he's not the
smartest strategic player.
Yes. Kenzie and Venus both voted for Quintavius in the first round,
but changed their votes to Hunter in the revote, which was clearly
the correct thing to do.
Post by Brian Smith
If Liz makes it to the end she would have a good story and
could probably sell it.
I have a feeling about Liz, and it’s not a good one. When I was thinking
Randen, I remembered that, in confessional, he said that he felt that all of
talk about being a millionaire and owning four companies etc. was bullshit.
I started to wonder why that comment was left in the edit given that Randen
ended up being a complete non factor in the game, and there is speculation
among some viewers that Liz made it to FTC, or perhaps is even the winner
of S46.
Brian Smith
2024-04-26 22:09:36 UTC
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Venus has been playing a better game than the edit lets on. Fun
fact: she and Liz are the last two Nami standing. No one expected that
would happen earlier in the season.
IMO, things may have played out a lot differently if Randen had stayed
in the game. He had found the same Beware Advantage that eventually
ended up in Hunter’s hands, and had shared that information with Venus.
He was also a big strong guy who certainly wouldn’t have hurt Orange Tribe
in challenges. Of course, he may not have been able to find the key that
opened the locked advantage box which, as Hunter found out, was not
exactly a gimme. But, with him still in the game, Orange Tribe would have
gone into the merge with all six members, and somebody who appeared
committed to working with Venus. As a result, subsequent votes may have
turned out quite differently.
For sure. He deserves another shot to play just like Bruce got.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
It was good enough for Venus and Kenz. They're smart enough to see that
Hunter is a huge shield and no doubt have noticed that he's not the
smartest strategic player.
Yes. Kenzie and Venus both voted for Quintavius in the first round,
but changed their votes to Hunter in the revote, which was clearly
the correct thing to do.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
If Liz makes it to the end she would have a good story and
could probably sell it.
I have a feeling about Liz, and it’s not a good one. When I was thinking
Randen, I remembered that, in confessional, he said that he felt that all of
talk about being a millionaire and owning four companies etc. was bullshit.
I started to wonder why that comment was left in the edit given that Randen
ended up being a complete non factor in the game, and there is speculation
among some viewers that Liz made it to FTC, or perhaps is even the winner
of S46.
I had forgotten he said that about Liz. Did you look at my post about
Liz's tweet? A lot of people were blindside when she said during TC that
she has a daughter. Turns out it's true and if look at her IG the
business stuff looks true as well. Not sure if she's a millionaire but
it looks like she could be bringing in a lot of passive income. Maybe
they left his comments in to help tell Liz's story at FTC.

I've seen no speculation that Liz makes F3 let alone wins. I really
haven't seen much speculation for any of them winning. Remember that
photo I posted earlier in the season of Ben with Terry and Dee? What a
shocker it would be if Ben won. A Ben, Q, Venus F3 would probably result
in him winning as the jury wouldn't respect Venus's game.
2024-04-26 22:51:32 UTC
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Venus has been playing a better game than the edit lets on. Fun
fact: she and Liz are the last two Nami standing. No one expected that
would happen earlier in the season.
IMO, things may have played out a lot differently if Randen had stayed
in the game. He had found the same Beware Advantage that eventually
ended up in Hunter’s hands, and had shared that information with Venus.
He was also a big strong guy who certainly wouldn’t have hurt Orange Tribe
in challenges. Of course, he may not have been able to find the key that
opened the locked advantage box which, as Hunter found out, was not
exactly a gimme. But, with him still in the game, Orange Tribe would have
gone into the merge with all six members, and somebody who appeared
committed to working with Venus. As a result, subsequent votes may have
turned out quite differently.
Post by Brian Smith
It was good enough for Venus and Kenz. They're smart enough to see that
Hunter is a huge shield and no doubt have noticed that he's not the
smartest strategic player.
Yes. Kenzie and Venus both voted for Quintavius in the first round,
but changed their votes to Hunter in the revote, which was clearly
the correct thing to do.
Post by Brian Smith
If Liz makes it to the end she would have a good story and
could probably sell it.
I have a feeling about Liz, and it’s not a good one. When I was thinking
Randen, I remembered that, in confessional, he said that he felt that all of
talk about being a millionaire and owning four companies etc. was bullshit.
I started to wonder why that comment was left in the edit given that Randen
ended up being a complete non factor in the game, and there is speculation
among some viewers that Liz made it to FTC, or perhaps is even the winner
of S46.
Liz could very well be the winner. I've said before she is very smart and
playing a pretty decent under-the-radar game. I think she told everyone she
was wealthy to make the others realize she doesn't need the money, and maybe
to hint they should keep her around because no one would vote for a
millionaire to win the game (although that's pretty much what happened with

I do find it interesting that Randen would think that Liz is faking her
background. Randen and Liz are both from Orlando, so I wonder if Randen
knew her beforehand or ever met her. Full disclosure - I live in Orlando
too but have never encountered either one of them. But I did do a Google
search and her background does seem to be legit. Of course owning multiple
companies doesn't necessarily make you rich (they could be failed companies,
after all), but Randen's impressions are interesting.

Here are a few articles I found on Liz that seem to pre-date her time on




And here is her linkedIn:


Emanuel Berg
2024-04-27 16:40:40 UTC
Post by Rick
Venus has been playing a better game than the edit lets on [...]
Liz could very well be the winner.
Very good episode finally, US Survivor, and maybe me as well,
are notorious slow-starters but now I'm finally enthusiastic
about the show again!

Liz is a poor man's Aubz, maybe?

And Hunter was right, Venus is unlikable. She has the
supposedly photogenic style with the tall neck and "alien"
exotic looks, they look for that in the photo model business
so maybe she can make a buck or two there. To the common man,
or to most common men at least, it isn't really attractive
and, always being angry and antagonistic - that's how it looks
on the show anyway - yeah, much less so of course.

If she wins, I'll be very, very surprised. But that has
happened before!
underground experts united
Emanuel Berg
2024-04-27 16:46:08 UTC
I think she told everyone she was wealthy to make the others
realize she doesn't need the money, and maybe to hint they
should keep her around because no one would vote for
a millionaire to win the game (although that's pretty much
what happened with Gabler).
Of all the S01-S45 winners, who do you think was the most
wealthy before winning?

Sandra and Tony should both be high up on that list, with
money from their previous wins and also side-effect money from
being a celebrity already.

But maybe Gabler, or someone else, was even more rich when
they won?
underground experts united
Emanuel Berg
2024-04-27 18:15:56 UTC
Really bad by Hunter not to play his idol.

You tend to trust your alliance, that is why people sometimes
get voted out with not one but two idols.

But here he was very nervous about it, he didn't trust anyone.
Why didn't he play it?
underground experts united
2024-04-27 19:24:25 UTC
Post by Emanuel Berg
Really bad by Hunter not to play his idol.
You tend to trust your alliance, that is why people sometimes
get voted out with not one but two idols.
But here he was very nervous about it, he didn't trust anyone.
Why didn't he play it?
Because he looked around at the live Tribal and several people were saying
Vote Q. I didn't pause it at that moment to track who said that to him, but
he obviously felt confident enough to take the chance.

I thought it was dumb. dumb, dumb for him to not play the idol. Anytime
there is doubt or ambiguity or any kind of live tribal or discussion right
up to the moment of voting, you play the damned idol! The worst case is
that you play it wrong, and then you go looking for it again the next day.
Hunter should have known he was the best at finding a re-planted idol, and
he was also had the best chance of winning immunities. He 100% should have
played it.
Emanuel Berg
2024-04-27 19:38:36 UTC
Anytime there is doubt or ambiguity or any kind of live
tribal or discussion right up to the moment of voting, you
play the damned idol!

But he sure must be his own hardest critic at this point :)
underground experts united
Brian Smith
2024-04-27 19:53:44 UTC
Post by Emanuel Berg
Anytime there is doubt or ambiguity or any kind of live
tribal or discussion right up to the moment of voting, you
play the damned idol!
But he sure must be his own hardest critic at this point :)
No, he's too busy bashing Venus.

In this past episode, he rang off the names of people he was done with
including Liz. I thought they were close? Did Hunter misread things? I
think he did. He turned out to be a pretty one-dimensional player. No
QSkirt for Hunter!
2024-04-27 20:06:37 UTC
Post by Rick
Post by Emanuel Berg
Really bad by Hunter not to play his idol.
You tend to trust your alliance, that is why people sometimes
get voted out with not one but two idols.
But here he was very nervous about it, he didn't trust anyone.
Why didn't he play it?
Because he looked around at the live Tribal and several people were saying
Vote Q. I didn't pause it at that moment to track who said that to him, but
he obviously felt confident enough to take the chance.
I thought it was dumb. dumb, dumb for him to not play the idol. Anytime
there is doubt or ambiguity or any kind of live tribal or discussion right
up to the moment of voting, you play the damned idol! The worst case is
that you play it wrong, and then you go looking for it again the next day.
Hunter should have known he was the best at finding a re-planted idol, and
he was also had the best chance of winning immunities. He 100% should have
played it.
He clearly should have played his idol. Especially given that he kept
questioning whether he should play it or not. I understand the desire
to keep an idol in your pocket but if a player is so nervous they keep
questioning whether they should play it or not, then they probably
should play it. As for him finding a new idol I'm not clear on if he
plays his idol that a new one would be hidden given that Tiffany still
had an idol.
Emanuel Berg
2024-04-28 01:41:10 UTC
Post by shawn
He clearly should have played his idol. Especially given
that he kept questioning whether he should play it or not.
I understand the desire to keep an idol in your pocket but
if a player is so nervous they keep questioning whether they
should play it or not, then they probably should play it.

You know what they say in Barcelona, if you ever thought about
taking a psychedelic drug, you are like "maybe", then you
should do it :)
underground experts united
Brian Smith
2024-04-27 21:02:34 UTC
Post by Emanuel Berg
Really bad by Hunter not to play his idol.
You tend to trust your alliance, that is why people sometimes
get voted out with not one but two idols.
But here he was very nervous about it, he didn't trust anyone.
Why didn't he play it?
In this clip from his exit interview with Rob, he said he thought Tiff
was mad enough at Q to vote for him and that if he an Liz voted for Q
they would have the votes to get him out. So he gambled and got burned
because he misread Tiff.

2024-04-27 18:44:57 UTC
Post by Emanuel Berg
I think she told everyone she was wealthy to make the others
realize she doesn't need the money, and maybe to hint they
should keep her around because no one would vote for
a millionaire to win the game (although that's pretty much
what happened with Gabler).
Of all the S01-S45 winners, who do you think was the most
wealthy before winning?
Sandra and Tony should both be high up on that list, with
money from their previous wins and also side-effect money from
being a celebrity already.
But maybe Gabler, or someone else, was even more rich when
they won?
That's a great question. S37 winner Nick was an attorney and attorneys
often are paid well, though I vaguely recall he worked as a public defender,
so maybe that doesn't mean much in his case. Yul was a business guy who
knew Finance pretty well, so I would think he would have money. I believe
he later worked at both Facebook and Google, but that was probably after he
had won. Several winners had their own companies before they won, like Earl
and Kim, so maybe some of them were reasonably well off. Wasn't Hatch a
management consultant? Danni worked in TV as a sports commentator, I think,
so depending on the market she was in, maybe she had some money

If you count family income, Boston Rob's wife Amber had already won a
million for winning Survivor All-Stars and Rob had won at least $100K for
that season plus whatever they both had won on their prior seasons before he
finally won. Rob was also pretty well known by the time of his winning
season, so maybe it's Boston Rob?

A related question is of all the people who ever played on Survivor, who
made the most money afterward as a result of being on the show? I would
exclude people who were already mega-rich celebs when they were cast like
Jimmy Johnson and some of the pro athletes. Of the regular people who were
cast on the show, my guess would be Elizabeth Filarski Hasselbeck, who got a
gig on a network TV show for several years as a direct result of her time on
the show and is no doubt a multi-millionaire today.

Brian Smith
2024-04-27 19:46:15 UTC
Post by Emanuel Berg
I think she told everyone she was wealthy to make the others
realize she doesn't need the money, and maybe to hint they
should keep her around because no one would vote for
a millionaire to win the game (although that's pretty much
what happened with Gabler).
Of all the S01-S45 winners, who do you think was the most
wealthy before winning?
Sandra and Tony should both be high up on that list, with
money from their previous wins and also side-effect money from
being a celebrity already.
But maybe Gabler, or someone else, was even more rich when
they won?
That's a great question.   S37 winner Nick was an attorney and attorneys
often are paid well, though I vaguely recall he worked as a public
defender, so maybe that doesn't mean much in his case.  Yul was a
business guy who knew Finance pretty well, so I would think he would
have money.  I believe he later worked at both Facebook and Google, but
that was probably after he had won.  Several winners had their own
companies before they won, like Earl and Kim, so maybe some of them were
reasonably well off.  Wasn't Hatch a management consultant?  Danni
worked in TV as a sports commentator, I think, so depending on the
market she was in, maybe she had some money
If you count family income, Boston Rob's wife Amber had already won a
million for winning Survivor All-Stars and Rob had won at least $100K
for that season plus whatever they both had won on their prior seasons
before he finally won.  Rob was also pretty well known by the time of
his winning season, so maybe it's Boston Rob?
IIRC, Nick had just become an attorney and he was a public defender so I
doubt he was the richest. Kim had a wedding boutique business but again,
I don't think she was rich.Excluding Tony and Sandra who had already won
once each, Boston Rob probably was the richest when he finally won. He
and Amber had done TAR twice, and he had done other shows and tons of
events. Denise probably had a few bucks as well before she won. Wasn't
she a sex therapist. Yam Yam also might have been well off before winning.
A related question is of all the people who ever played on Survivor, who
made the most money afterward as a result of being on the show?  I would
exclude people who were already mega-rich celebs when they were cast
like Jimmy Johnson and some of the pro athletes.  Of the regular people
who were cast on the show, my guess would be Elizabeth Filarski
Hasselbeck, who got a gig on a network TV show for several years as a
direct result of her time on the show and is no doubt a
multi-millionaire today.
Hard to say but some of them have definitely done well thanks to
Survivor. I don't think anyone will ever top Jamie Kern from BB1 who
ended up selling her cosmetics company to L'Oreal in 2016 for $1.2 billion.
Emanuel Berg
2024-04-28 04:19:47 UTC
Post by Emanuel Berg
I think she told everyone she was wealthy to make the
others realize she doesn't need the money, and maybe to
hint they should keep her around because no one would vote
for a millionaire to win the game (although that's pretty
much what happened with Gabler).
Of all the S01-S45 winners, who do you think was the most
wealthy before winning? [...]
That's a great question. [...]
I found a website, it says number one is David Samson who
I don't remember. Maybe they include everyone who played?

I also didn't see any other on that site than him, despite
the title. Maybe you have better luck,

underground experts united
2024-04-28 14:25:37 UTC
Post by Emanuel Berg
Post by Emanuel Berg
I think she told everyone she was wealthy to make the
others realize she doesn't need the money, and maybe to
hint they should keep her around because no one would vote
for a millionaire to win the game (although that's pretty
much what happened with Gabler).
Of all the S01-S45 winners, who do you think was the most
wealthy before winning? [...]
That's a great question. [...]
I found a website, it says number one is David Samson who
I don't remember. Maybe they include everyone who played?
I also didn't see any other on that site than him, despite
the title. Maybe you have better luck,
I remember that season. David Samson was a multi-millionaire baseball team
owner who already had money before he was on the show. He got voted out
early, if I recall. I was interested in who made the most money as a direct
result of being on the show. I mentioned Elizabeth Hasselbeck as my guess,
and I checked a website that guesses celebrity net worth and it estimates
her wealth as about $16 million. I can't think of anyone else who became
that wealthy after leaving the show. There are many like Chase Rice who
became highly successful and millionaires in their own right, but Elizabeth
was a network TV host for several years which really built up her wealth.

Emanuel Berg
2024-04-28 20:46:31 UTC
I remember that season. David Samson was a multi-millionaire
baseball team owner who already had money before he was on
the show. He got voted out early, if I recall. I was
interested in who made the most money as a direct result of
being on the show.
That should be more easy, right? Sandra and Tony from price
money since both won twice, maybe Boston Rob from price money
and playing the "celebrity status" cards the right
way afterwards?
underground experts united