S46 Ep08 Spoilers and Comments (4/17/2024)
(too old to reply)
Brian Smith
2024-04-17 23:58:58 UTC
Tonight's episode is titled "Hide 'N Seek."
Emanuel Berg
2024-04-18 00:25:07 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Tonight's episode is titled "Hide 'N Seek."
This season has not done any obvious mistakes, not too many
advantages, not too much meta-Survivor or neurotic political
mumbo jumbo, nothing like that - but the cast, I can't say
I care for them. That's the problem of this season.

Not really charismatic, fun, interesting people?

underground experts united
Brian Smith
2024-04-18 01:45:12 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Tonight's episode is titled "Hide 'N Seek."
I'm going to need to watch this episode again before commenting on it. I
will say now that TC more than lived up to the hype. I didn't see any of
that happening!
2024-04-18 04:05:41 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Tonight's episode is titled "Hide 'N Seek."
I'm going to need to watch this episode again before commenting on it. I
will say now that TC more than lived up to the hype. I didn't see any of
that happening!
I just watched it and have no explanation for what happened. I'll have to
defer to others to interpret it for me.

2024-04-18 17:46:11 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Tonight's episode is titled "Hide 'N Seek."
I'm going to need to watch this episode again before commenting on it. I
will say now that TC more than lived up to the hype. I didn't see any of
that happening!
I just watched it and have no explanation for what happened. I'll have to
defer to others to interpret it for me.
Que needs to be in control of everything in his life. He understood that he
had completely
lost control of the F10 vote, and that his “subordinates” were no longer
playing “the Cue
Game”. His solution was to do what a six year old boy would do in such
threaten to take his toys and go home because his friends weren’t playing
the game
according to his rules.
2024-04-18 19:05:25 UTC
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Brian Smith
Tonight's episode is titled "Hide 'N Seek."
I'm going to need to watch this episode again before commenting on it. I
will say now that TC more than lived up to the hype. I didn't see any of
that happening!
I just watched it and have no explanation for what happened. I'll have to
defer to others to interpret it for me.
Que needs to be in control of everything in his life. He understood that he
had completely
lost control of the F10 vote, and that his “subordinates” were no longer
playing “the Cue
Game”. His solution was to do what a six year old boy would do in such
threaten to take his toys and go home because his friends weren’t playing
the game
according to his rules.
But if that's the case, why were there no votes against him? And
ultimately, everyone voted for Tevin, which was the original plan, and only
Tevin and Hunter ended up voting for Venus. It's like everything that
happened at Tribal was just for show and Q was just performing for some
reason which I can't quite figure out. Ultimately, Q goes along with voting
for Tevin, no one votes for Q, and it's like Q's little performance at the
beginning was just for show.

I also find it significant that most of what people were whispering to one
another at TC was not shown to the audience in closed-caption as it usually
is. All the players are mic'd up and they also have extra sensitive
microphones placed throughout the TC seating area just so they can pic up
these live conversations. So I don't believe for a moment that people were
just whispering too quietly to be heard. I wonder if somehow this was all a
performance by Q that he cleared with his allies in advance and that he had
dreamed up some obscure motive like distracting Tevin so he didn't play shot
in the dark or use his extra vote or whatever. Whatever the reason, I do
find it significant that the show chose not to share what everyone was
saying to one another, and I also find it significant that everyone ended up
voting for Tev as planned and no one voted for Q.

2024-04-18 22:02:16 UTC
But if that's the case, why were there no votes against him? And
ultimately, everyone voted for Tevin, which was the original plan, and only
Tevin and Hunter ended up voting for Venus.
Based on what we heard during and after the TC, the whole thing was viewed as
a massive clusterfuck by all of the players. So they talked it
over and the consensus was to stick with the original plan and deal with
Cue later. Hunter stayed loyal to his best friend in the game by voting with
him, even though he had no reason to target Venus. There have been
some suggestions on social media that Hunter should have tipped Tevin
off and played his amulet for him. However, IMO, that would have not
been the best move for Hunter.
It's like everything that
happened at Tribal was just for show and Q was just performing for some
reason which I can't quite figure out.
It is possible that the “performance” was another one of his “loyalty
I wonder if somehow this was all a
performance by Q that he cleared with his allies in advance and that he had
dreamed up some obscure motive like distracting Tevin so he didn't play shot
in the dark or use his extra vote or whatever.
No, the reactions by every single one of his tribe mates appeared to be one
genuine shock and confusion. If it had been a play, people wouldn’t have
continued to express their bewilderment and frustration concerning the turn
of events even as they entered the voting booth.
Whatever the reason, I do
find it significant that the show chose not to share what everyone was
saying to one another,
The editors wanted the viewers to think that the votes would be going to
Cue. Therefore private discussions about “sticking with the original
were purposely left out of he edit.
2024-04-18 22:17:09 UTC
But if that's the case, why were there no votes against him? And
ultimately, everyone voted for Tevin, which was the original plan, and only
Tevin and Hunter ended up voting for Venus. It's like everything that
happened at Tribal was just for show and Q was just performing for some
reason which I can't quite figure out. Ultimately, Q goes along with voting
for Tevin, no one votes for Q, and it's like Q's little performance at the
beginning was just for show.
I also find it significant that most of what people were whispering to one
another at TC was not shown to the audience in closed-caption as it usually
is. All the players are mic'd up and they also have extra sensitive
microphones placed throughout the TC seating area just so they can pic up
these live conversations. So I don't believe for a moment that people were
just whispering too quietly to be heard. I wonder if somehow this was all a
performance by Q that he cleared with his allies in advance and that he had
dreamed up some obscure motive like distracting Tevin so he didn't play shot
in the dark or use his extra vote or whatever. Whatever the reason, I do
find it significant that the show chose not to share what everyone was
saying to one another, and I also find it significant that everyone ended up
voting for Tev as planned and no one voted for Q.
Brian Smith
2024-04-18 21:07:46 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Tonight's episode is titled "Hide 'N Seek."
The episode started off back at camp with Venus telling Tevin how and
why she masterminded the vote to get out Soda. She also suggested that
they work together for a while, but he was not receptive. He then
laughed at her to us and did so again to Liz. Liz reminded him she’s
always wanted Soda out and has been pushing for her ouster all along.
She then told us she’s had it with him and Venus and wants Tevin out.

Hide ‘N Seek

Q had a lot of energy because he was full and wanted to play Hide ‘N
Seek. The others agreed. Charlie was the seeker. I was impressed at how
much effort everyone put into hiding. For Q this was a chance to
evaluate people’s ability to play Survivor. We got assessments from him
and Venus throughout the segment. Ben and Hunter were not found in the
allotted time. Hunter was found last up in the tree right above the shelter.

Immunity Challenge

This was the famous pole challenge. Before they started, Jeff offered
them enough rice to last the rest of the game if four of them would sit
out. Q volunteered immediately followed by Liz but no one else was
willing to do so other than Charlie but he wanted someone to volunteer
at the same time. Jeff also said he would accept just two people sitting
out if they gave up their votes. Liz: “Screw that!” and that was the end
of that bargaining. First time in the New Era that a deal was not accepted.

Within two minutes five of them had dropped which pissed off Q. I agree
with him that it was stupid that four of them didn’t sit out. Most of
them had no shot winning that challenge. The last three were Venus,
Charlie and the winner Hunter who made it look easy. He lasted 20+
minutes. He also got in shit from Jeff for hanging upside down. I can
see why Jeff was not happy. If he had fallen, he could have killed
himself and the show. Remember what happened to Andrea?

I had to laugh when Jeff told them that the previous shortest time for
this challenge was 17 minutes and that Q and Liz were done in under 20
seconds. Kenz: “Jeff, how long do you think you’d last in this
challenge?” Jeff: “A lot longer than 20 seconds!”

Throwing Alliance Members Under the Bus

This was unexpected for me. I was expecting a non +1 member to be
targeted with Ben and Venus being the most likely. Instead, we saw Tiff
target Maria and then Q stupidly telling Maria and letting her know that
Tiff has a HII. Maria later told Charlie this piece of info. Liz
targeted Tevin which made total sense.

Tribal Council (Night 16)

This was a crazy and highly entertaining TC. Q started off by telling
the others to vote him out because he kind of screwed a few people’s
games over. He said it would give everyone a new start. Everyone was in
shock not knowing if Q was serious or not. Kenz told him that if he left
it would impact her plans and basically said he was part of her plans
for at least the next five TCs. Not sure if the others caught that.

Then people started talking in groups and, IIRC, at one point Q told
Tiff that he told Maria she has an idol. She was not happy and told Kenz
immediately what he had done. For awhile it was a choice between voting
out either Tevin or Q. Near the end someone said, “Why not just vote out

Tevin ended up going with just he and Hunter voting to boot Venus. Q’s
strategy worked. Now we need to wait another week to find out what his
strategy was. Surprisingly, Tiff ended up off everyone’s radar. Or at
least it seemed that way.

Next Episode

Honestly don’t remember what they showed. Must still be in shock from
the episode.

Mike Bloom said this was probably the best episode of the New Era. He
might be right. The episode had everything.

For me, Liz is starting to look good. Tevin thought he was the
mastermind, but it turns out it was Liz. The question now is will Liz
work with Venus or try to take her out? The “6” alliance has to be done.
Charlie and Maria have no reason to trust the others and Hunter must be
thinking the same. Q’s got a lot of explaining to do to Tiff. Kenz is in
a better position as Q’s massive fuckup should solidify her being Tiff’s #1.
2024-04-18 23:27:07 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Q had a lot of energy because he was full and wanted to play Hide ‘N
Seek. The others agreed.
That whole sequence was lame, IMO. If Liz hadn’t eaten a thing, or
used the “restroom”, in 16 days, how is it that she had enough energy
to run around in the jungle playing Cue’s stupid game? The same
comment could be made for several other players as well.
Post by Brian Smith
This was the famous pole challenge.
The “Get a Grip” challenge needs to be retired. As of S46,
it has been run 16 times.
Post by Brian Smith
I had to laugh when Jeff told them that the previous shortest time for
this challenge was 17 minutes and that Q and Liz were done in under 20
I could understand Liz getting down so quickly, but I thought Cue was
supposed to be a finely tuned athletic specimen? He could only stay
up there 20 seconds?
Post by Brian Smith
This was a crazy and highly entertaining TC.
I hated it, and consider it to be an insult to the viewing
audience. The one positive thing about this mess of
an episode is that we finally got to see Liz playing the
game. I had stated after E07 that if she is the winner
of S46, the editors need to start giving her a game story
right away. Well, they delivered. I still don’t see her
winning this season, but at least the viewers know who
she is now.
I was also pleased that Tevin clarified the reasons for
his vote for Venus in E07. As some had speculated, he did
it as a hedge in case Soda played some sort of advantage.
But he also wanted to use the vote as evidence of his loyalty
If he had been fortunate enough to make it to FTC.
It was also clarified that Venus honestly thought that it was
her pitch that resulted in the vote for Soda, and that she
was not trying to take the credit from Tevin.
Post by Brian Smith
Then people started talking in groups and, IIRC, at one point Q told
Tiff that he told Maria she has an idol.
It was Charlie who told Tiffany that Cue had spilled her secret.
Post by Brian Smith
She was not happy and told Kenz
immediately what he had done.
Yet not so unhappy that she was willing to vote for Cue.
Brian Smith
2024-04-19 01:05:42 UTC
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Q had a lot of energy because he was full and wanted to play Hide ‘N
Seek. The others agreed.
That whole sequence was lame, IMO. If Liz hadn’t eaten a thing, or
used the “restroom”, in 16 days, how is it that she had enough energy
to run around in the jungle playing Cue’s stupid game? The same
comment could be made for several other players as well.
Liz didn't say that she hadn't eaten. Just that she can't eat fruits
which is why I think she jumped at the chance to get enough rice to last
until the end of the game. As for not going to the bathroom for 16 days,
you'd think medical would give her something to help her out. It's not
like they don't help with other things.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
This was the famous pole challenge.
The “Get a Grip” challenge needs to be retired. As of S46,
it has been run 16 times.
A lot of people seem to love it. In recent times, it's the dealmaking
that makes that challenge interesting.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
I had to laugh when Jeff told them that the previous shortest time for
this challenge was 17 minutes and that Q and Liz were done in under 20
I could understand Liz getting down so quickly, but I thought Cue was
supposed to be a finely tuned athletic specimen? He could only stay
up there 20 seconds?
I'm sure Q could have lasted longer but he knew he had not shot winning
the challenge which is why he went right for the rice. Maria should have
joined Charlie to make it four and get the rice. Did she think she was
in trouble? I though Kenz would last a lot longer given her size. Isn't
she smaller than Venus?
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
This was a crazy and highly entertaining TC.
I hated it, and consider it to be an insult to the viewing
audience. The one positive thing about this mess of
an episode is that we finally got to see Liz playing the
game. I had stated after E07 that if she is the winner
of S46, the editors need to start giving her a game story
right away. Well, they delivered. I still don’t see her
winning this season, but at least the viewers know who
she is now.
I didn't feel insulted. I don't see Liz winning either but IIRC,
Maryanne didn't start to get a "winners" edit until much later in the
game than this. I don't recall Erika ever being made to look like a winner.
Post by Zeppo
I was also pleased that Tevin clarified the reasons for
his vote for Venus in E07. As some had speculated, he did
it as a hedge in case Soda played some sort of advantage.
But he also wanted to use the vote as evidence of his loyalty
If he had been fortunate enough to make it to FTC.
It was also clarified that Venus honestly thought that it was
her pitch that resulted in the vote for Soda, and that she
was not trying to take the credit from Tevin.
I was going to mention Tevin's vote commentary but thought I must have
missed it last week. I don't recall them ever showing new content in the
"Previously on Survivor" segment.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Then people started talking in groups and, IIRC, at one point Q told
Tiff that he told Maria she has an idol.
It was Charlie who told Tiffany that Cue had spilled her secret.
My mistake. Too much going on all at once.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
She was not happy and told Kenz
immediately what he had done.
Yet not so unhappy that she was willing to vote for Cue.
She was unhappy but as she said when she voted, she was just going with
the plan she had been told and was hoping she wasn't being lied to. She
also wanted to flush Tevin's extra vote.

We must have missed out on some convos during that TC scramble. For
instance, why did Charlie tell Tiff about Q and then not vote for him?
Did he and Maria decide at TC that Q's too risky too work with and
thought by telling Tiff what Q had told them that they would gain her
trust? I also don't remember them having any meaningful discussions with
Tevin so there was no apparent reason why they would vote him out. Are
we going to find out next week that Liz did a lot more talking at TC
than we were shown and that she was the one who got everyone on the same
2024-04-19 02:47:48 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Liz didn't say that she hadn't eaten. Just that she can't eat fruits
In E08, she said, “I haven’t eaten...”, but for some reason the rest of
her sentence was muted. However, in E01, she listed a whole lot of
things, including coconut and papaya, that she was allergic to. This
lead me to believe that she hadn’t eaten anything that grows or lives
on the island.
Post by Brian Smith
I'm sure Q could have lasted longer but he knew he had not shot winning
the challenge which is why he went right for the rice.
So he quit, just like Dave Jelinsky did in E01. That’s twice this season
Cue has thrown challenges because they were too hard for him.
Post by Brian Smith
I though Kenz would last a lot longer given her size. Isn't
she smaller than Venus?
I agree. At the start of the challenge, I thought that Kenzie or Venus
had the best chances of winning due to having wiry little bodies.
Post by Brian Smith
I didn't feel insulted. I don't see Liz winning either but IIRC,
Maryanne didn't start to get a "winners" edit until much later in the
game than this. I don't recall Erika ever being made to look like a winner.
Nor did Mike Gabler or Yammy. IMO, Maryanne won because she was
“lights out” at FTC, and benefited from sitting beside a wimp who every-
body hated and a guy who wouldn’t own his game. She did very little
in the game. Erika got a fair edit given the type of player that she was,
but she would not have won if any combination of Shan, Danny, or
Ricard had been sitting beside her.

Post by Brian Smith
We must have missed out on some convos during that TC scramble. For
instance, why did Charlie tell Tiff about Q and then not vote for him?
Did he and Maria decide at TC that Q's too risky too work with and
thought by telling Tiff what Q had told them that they would gain her
trust? I also don't remember them having any meaningful discussions with
Tevin so there was no apparent reason why they would vote him out. Are
we going to find out next week that Liz did a lot more talking at TC
than we were shown and that she was the one who got everyone on the same
Lots of great questions here. I just wish that the producers and editors had
chosen to respect the intelligence of the viewing audience by showing us
all of the key things that happened at TC, rather than pulling a “bait and
that was designed to trick the viewers into thinking that Cue was going to
Ponderosa, when, in fact, he got no votes at all. I have been consistent over
the years regarding my dislike of “live tribals”, but I would be more
of them if the chaotic situation wasn’t used as a cover to hide important
information from the viewers. If Liz, as you suggested, played an important
role in pulling everybody together prior to vote, then I needed to see that.
Otherwise, the episode ends, and I sit there thinking,”What just
Brian Smith
2024-04-19 03:32:32 UTC
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Liz didn't say that she hadn't eaten. Just that she can't eat fruits
In E08, she said, “I haven’t eaten...”, but for some reason the rest of
her sentence was muted. However, in E01, she listed a whole lot of
things, including coconut and papaya, that she was allergic to. This
lead me to believe that she hadn’t eaten anything that grows or lives
on the island.
You might be right but she can eat rice and I'm pretty sure she can eat
fish. There was a scene this episode with her in the background in the
water with a spear trying to catch a fish. There's also been at least
one bonus video this season showing her eating fish.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
I'm sure Q could have lasted longer but he knew he had not shot winning
the challenge which is why he went right for the rice.
So he quit, just like Dave Jelinsky did in E01. That’s twice this season
Cue has thrown challenges because they were too hard for him.
He's definitely thrown challenges. If they've been too hard for him he
better hope that Hunter gets taken out.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
I though Kenz would last a lot longer given her size. Isn't
she smaller than Venus?
I agree. At the start of the challenge, I thought that Kenzie or Venus
had the best chances of winning due to having wiry little bodies.
Post by Brian Smith
I didn't feel insulted. I don't see Liz winning either but IIRC,
Maryanne didn't start to get a "winners" edit until much later in the
game than this. I don't recall Erika ever being made to look like a winner.
Nor did Mike Gabler or Yammy. IMO, Maryanne won because she was
“lights out” at FTC, and benefited from sitting beside a wimp who every-
body hated and a guy who wouldn’t own his game. She did very little
in the game. Erika got a fair edit given the type of player that she was,
but she would not have won if any combination of Shan, Danny, or
Ricard had been sitting beside her.
Apparently with Gabler we were too blind to see that he was getting a
winners edit from the start. Dee got a decent winners edit. No one
should have been surprised she won. Danny was screwed but Paramount made
up for it by getting him cast on The Challenge USA 1.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
We must have missed out on some convos during that TC scramble. For
instance, why did Charlie tell Tiff about Q and then not vote for him?
Did he and Maria decide at TC that Q's too risky too work with and
thought by telling Tiff what Q had told them that they would gain her
trust? I also don't remember them having any meaningful discussions with
Tevin so there was no apparent reason why they would vote him out. Are
we going to find out next week that Liz did a lot more talking at TC
than we were shown and that she was the one who got everyone on the same
Lots of great questions here. I just wish that the producers and editors had
chosen to respect the intelligence of the viewing audience by showing us
all of the key things that happened at TC, rather than pulling a “bait and
that was designed to trick the viewers into thinking that Cue was going to
Ponderosa, when, in fact, he got no votes at all. I have been consistent over
the years regarding my dislike of “live tribals”, but I would be more
of them if the chaotic situation wasn’t used as a cover to hide important
information from the viewers. If Liz, as you suggested, played an important
role in pulling everybody together prior to vote, then I needed to see that.
Otherwise, the episode ends, and I sit there thinking,”What just
The problem is that Jeff loves to blindside us. Hopefully they show or
at least explain how they all ended up voting for Tevin other than his
+1 Hunter. Someone must have made a strong case to get him out and that
most likely was Liz. I'm sure Venus pitched to boot him but she doesn't
have the respect of the vast majority of the other players so it's
doubtful they listened to her.
2024-04-19 18:13:57 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
There was a scene this episode with her in the background in the
water with a spear trying to catch a fish. There's also been at least
one bonus video this season showing her eating fish.
That sounds right to me as, IIRC, the list of things that she said
she couldn’t eat did not include any sort of meat.
Post by Brian Smith
He's definitely thrown challenges. If they've been too hard for him he
better hope that Hunter gets taken out.
Shouldn’t be a problem for the big lug. He told Tim that he could
beat Hunter whenever he felt like it. :-)
Post by Brian Smith
Apparently with Gabler we were too blind to see that he was getting a
winners edit from the start.
I assume that you’re being sarcastic. :-)
Post by Brian Smith
Dee got a decent winners edit.
Yes she did. It was pretty clear from the merge forward that, if she made
FTC, she was going to win.
Post by Brian Smith
The problem is that Jeff loves to blindside us.
Yes he does, and, to be fair, many viewers love to be blindsided.
However, as a viewer, I expect to be privy to information that
some of the players are unaware of so that the blindside, when
it occurs, jibes with what we saw leading up to it. Case in point:
the Soda vote. She had no idea it was coming, but the viewers did
because we saw Tevin pulling the votes together beforehand.
OTOH, at the end of E08, I felt that I had been manipulated by
the editors into thinking that Cue had talked the others into sending
him to Ponderosa.
Post by Brian Smith
Hopefully they show or
at least explain how they all ended up voting for Tevin other than his
+1 Hunter.
I’m pretty sure that an explanation will be forthcoming in the early
minutes of E09. But that won’t change my opinion of the blatant
audience manipulation that occurred at the end of E08.
Brian Smith
2024-04-19 23:11:23 UTC
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
He's definitely thrown challenges. If they've been too hard for him he
better hope that Hunter gets taken out.
Shouldn’t be a problem for the big lug. He told Tim that he could
beat Hunter whenever he felt like it. :-)
So far Hunter's been great at everything. Do you think Q would do good
in the food auction? He should be good at deal making given that he's
the #1 realtor in MS and TN!
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Apparently with Gabler we were too blind to see that he was getting a
winners edit from the start.
I assume that you’re being sarcastic. :-)
Wasn't the finale for that season titled "Hiding in Plain Sight"? IIRC,
Jeff also said later that it was obvious the entire season Gabler was
the winner.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Dee got a decent winners edit.
Yes she did. It was pretty clear from the merge forward that, if she made
FTC, she was going to win.
For sure! She was running things despite what her flirtmance partner
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
The problem is that Jeff loves to blindside us.
Yes he does, and, to be fair, many viewers love to be blindsided.
However, as a viewer, I expect to be privy to information that
some of the players are unaware of so that the blindside, when
the Soda vote. She had no idea it was coming, but the viewers did
because we saw Tevin pulling the votes together beforehand.
OTOH, at the end of E08, I felt that I had been manipulated by
the editors into thinking that Cue had talked the others into sending
him to Ponderosa.
They needed a two-hour episode to explain that chaos. Post season deep
dive podcasts on RHAP should be interesting. Q will probably do an 8
hour one.
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Hopefully they show or
at least explain how they all ended up voting for Tevin other than his
+1 Hunter.
I’m pretty sure that an explanation will be forthcoming in the early
minutes of E09. But that won’t change my opinion of the blatant
audience manipulation that occurred at the end of E08.
I need a lot of confessionals with Q to get the truth behind his moves
in Ep08. I'd really like to know if he was willing to work with Maria
and Charlie over Tiff and Kenz. Or does he honestly believe Kenz is too
dumb to think for herself and would come running to him?
2024-04-20 00:33:01 UTC
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
He's definitely thrown challenges. If they've been too hard for him he
better hope that Hunter gets taken out.
Shouldn’t be a problem for the big lug. He told Tim that he could
beat Hunter whenever he felt like it. :-)
So far Hunter's been great at everything. Do you think Q would do good in
the food auction? He should be good at deal making given that he's the #1
realtor in MS and TN!
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Apparently with Gabler we were too blind to see that he was getting a
winners edit from the start.
I assume that you’re being sarcastic. :-)
Wasn't the finale for that season titled "Hiding in Plain Sight"? IIRC,
Jeff also said later that it was obvious the entire season Gabler was the
Not sure what Jeff was smoking when he said that. I watched that entire
season with my family, and none of us predicted the Gabler win. Perhaps it
was obvious to Jeff and the others who lived with him 24/7 on the island,
but I don't think it was obvious to most viewers based on the edit.

Emanuel Berg
2024-04-20 00:44:50 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Apparently with Gabler we were too blind to see that he
was getting a winners edit from the start.
I assume that you’re being sarcastic. :-)
Wasn't the finale for that season titled "Hiding in Plain
Sight"? IIRC, Jeff also said later that it was obvious the
entire season Gabler was the winner.
Not sure what Jeff was smoking when he said that. I watched
that entire season with my family, and none of us predicted
the Gabler win. Perhaps it was obvious to Jeff and the
others who lived with him 24/7 on the island, but I don't
think it was obvious to most viewers based on the edit.
Yeah, he fooled me as well, if so! I was pretty sure Cassidy
was going to win.

Gabler on the other hand didn't play a bad game. But was it
good enough or was Cass indeed robbed as her fans say?
underground experts united
Brian Smith
2024-04-20 01:35:42 UTC
Post by Emanuel Berg
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Apparently with Gabler we were too blind to see that he
was getting a winners edit from the start.
I assume that you’re being sarcastic. :-)
Wasn't the finale for that season titled "Hiding in Plain
Sight"? IIRC, Jeff also said later that it was obvious the
entire season Gabler was the winner.
Not sure what Jeff was smoking when he said that. I watched
that entire season with my family, and none of us predicted
the Gabler win. Perhaps it was obvious to Jeff and the
others who lived with him 24/7 on the island, but I don't
think it was obvious to most viewers based on the edit.
Yeah, he fooled me as well, if so! I was pretty sure Cassidy
was going to win.
Gabler on the other hand didn't play a bad game. But was it
good enough or was Cass indeed robbed as her fans say?
Depends on which cast members you listen to. Owen feels young Cassidy
was robbed. Others say the jury was bitter as hell and poisoned by
people such as Karla and Jesse. Others say Gabler's social game was way
better than the edit showed and that he killed at FTC. If nothing else,
we got Emily thanks to Gabler's controversial win.
Emanuel Berg
2024-04-20 01:53:58 UTC
If nothing else, we got Emily thanks to Gabler's
controversial win.
Okay, how so?
underground experts united
Emanuel Berg
2024-04-20 02:01:57 UTC
Post by Emanuel Berg
If nothing else, we got Emily thanks to Gabler's
controversial win.
Okay, how so?
Ah, found it, it is described here

It says

Survivor 45 Contestant Admits She Threw Together Her
Application Video Because She Was ‘Really Angry’ After
Watching Mike Gabler Win: ‘Not OK’

Heh, "not OK" :)
underground experts united
2024-04-20 14:44:03 UTC
Post by Emanuel Berg
Post by Emanuel Berg
If nothing else, we got Emily thanks to Gabler's
controversial win.
Okay, how so?
Ah, found it, it is described here
It says
Survivor 45 Contestant Admits She Threw Together Her
Application Video Because She Was ‘Really Angry’ After
Watching Mike Gabler Win: ‘Not OK’
Heh, "not OK" :)
That's pretty interesting. I wonder how many other players were inspired to
apply because they didn't like who won. Did people watch Fabio win and say
"I can do better than that, sign me up!"


Brian Smith
2024-04-20 01:30:26 UTC
Post by Brian Smith
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
He's definitely thrown challenges. If they've been too hard for him he
better hope that Hunter gets taken out.
Shouldn’t be a problem for the big lug. He told Tim that he could
beat Hunter whenever he felt like it. :-)
So far Hunter's been great at everything. Do you think Q would do good
in the food auction? He should be good at deal making given that he's
the #1 realtor in MS and TN!
Post by Zeppo
Post by Brian Smith
Apparently with Gabler we were too blind to see that he was getting a
winners edit from the start.
I assume that you’re being sarcastic. :-)
Wasn't the finale for that season titled "Hiding in Plain Sight"?
IIRC, Jeff also said later that it was obvious the entire season
Gabler was the winner.
Not sure what Jeff was smoking when he said that.   I watched that
entire season with my family, and none of us predicted the Gabler win.
Perhaps it was obvious to Jeff and the others who lived with him 24/7 on
the island, but I don't think it was obvious to most viewers based on
the edit.
I agree. I thought he was a nutcase the first part of the season.