Post by Brian SmithTonight's episode is titled "Hide 'N Seek."
The episode started off back at camp with Venus telling Tevin how and
why she masterminded the vote to get out Soda. She also suggested that
they work together for a while, but he was not receptive. He then
laughed at her to us and did so again to Liz. Liz reminded him she’s
always wanted Soda out and has been pushing for her ouster all along.
She then told us she’s had it with him and Venus and wants Tevin out.
Hide ‘N Seek
Q had a lot of energy because he was full and wanted to play Hide ‘N
Seek. The others agreed. Charlie was the seeker. I was impressed at how
much effort everyone put into hiding. For Q this was a chance to
evaluate people’s ability to play Survivor. We got assessments from him
and Venus throughout the segment. Ben and Hunter were not found in the
allotted time. Hunter was found last up in the tree right above the shelter.
Immunity Challenge
This was the famous pole challenge. Before they started, Jeff offered
them enough rice to last the rest of the game if four of them would sit
out. Q volunteered immediately followed by Liz but no one else was
willing to do so other than Charlie but he wanted someone to volunteer
at the same time. Jeff also said he would accept just two people sitting
out if they gave up their votes. Liz: “Screw that!” and that was the end
of that bargaining. First time in the New Era that a deal was not accepted.
Within two minutes five of them had dropped which pissed off Q. I agree
with him that it was stupid that four of them didn’t sit out. Most of
them had no shot winning that challenge. The last three were Venus,
Charlie and the winner Hunter who made it look easy. He lasted 20+
minutes. He also got in shit from Jeff for hanging upside down. I can
see why Jeff was not happy. If he had fallen, he could have killed
himself and the show. Remember what happened to Andrea?
I had to laugh when Jeff told them that the previous shortest time for
this challenge was 17 minutes and that Q and Liz were done in under 20
seconds. Kenz: “Jeff, how long do you think you’d last in this
challenge?” Jeff: “A lot longer than 20 seconds!”
Throwing Alliance Members Under the Bus
This was unexpected for me. I was expecting a non +1 member to be
targeted with Ben and Venus being the most likely. Instead, we saw Tiff
target Maria and then Q stupidly telling Maria and letting her know that
Tiff has a HII. Maria later told Charlie this piece of info. Liz
targeted Tevin which made total sense.
Tribal Council (Night 16)
This was a crazy and highly entertaining TC. Q started off by telling
the others to vote him out because he kind of screwed a few people’s
games over. He said it would give everyone a new start. Everyone was in
shock not knowing if Q was serious or not. Kenz told him that if he left
it would impact her plans and basically said he was part of her plans
for at least the next five TCs. Not sure if the others caught that.
Then people started talking in groups and, IIRC, at one point Q told
Tiff that he told Maria she has an idol. She was not happy and told Kenz
immediately what he had done. For awhile it was a choice between voting
out either Tevin or Q. Near the end someone said, “Why not just vote out
Tevin ended up going with just he and Hunter voting to boot Venus. Q’s
strategy worked. Now we need to wait another week to find out what his
strategy was. Surprisingly, Tiff ended up off everyone’s radar. Or at
least it seemed that way.
Next Episode
Honestly don’t remember what they showed. Must still be in shock from
the episode.
Mike Bloom said this was probably the best episode of the New Era. He
might be right. The episode had everything.
For me, Liz is starting to look good. Tevin thought he was the
mastermind, but it turns out it was Liz. The question now is will Liz
work with Venus or try to take her out? The “6” alliance has to be done.
Charlie and Maria have no reason to trust the others and Hunter must be
thinking the same. Q’s got a lot of explaining to do to Tiff. Kenz is in
a better position as Q’s massive fuckup should solidify her being Tiff’s #1.