Post by Brian SmithPost by Brian SmithTonight's episode is titled "Our Pickle on Blast."
Pretty wild episode.
More later...
Andy seems to be getting one opportunity after another, but he keeps
screwing those opportunities up. At the start of the episode when he
asked Sol why he voted for him last TC it looked like Sol was legit
ready to work with him. Andy also seemed ready to take out his Gata
tribemates for using him and then throwing him UTB. When Sol told him
that it was Sam who said “Andy’s the backup plan” I was surprised he
didn’t tell him it was Sue’s idea. Or was Sol not around when Sue
said that? Also, why did Andy not question why Rome voted for him?
Sol should have pointed that out when Andy said if Rome had an idol
that he would have gone home.
Andy really lucked out when Gen approached him, gave him a peptalk,
and then offered to work with him. She confirmed to us that Rome was
her #1.
Immunity Challenge
Jeff tells them that they’re going to do a random draw into two teams
of six. The player who lasts the longest in the challenge will win
immunity for the entire team plus food. They’ll also get to go to TC
but to observe only. The person who lasts the longest on the losing
tribe will win Individual Immunity. The person who gets voted out
will not make jury.
The random draw was crazy. Rachel ended up with all five remaining
Tuku members. If her team lost, she would need a miracle to survive.
The challenge was a combination of strength, balance, and endurance.
Andy was first out followed quickly by Rachel. Rachel’s team lost
with Kyle getting Individual Immunity. Teeny and Gen were still
standing when Kyle dropped.
At the feast, Andy sloppily looked for an advantage. Sierra called
him out and Gen told us that Andy was being desperate way too early.
Everyone except for Sol then drifted off. Sol took advantage of this
and found an Advantage Note that he had been sitting next to for the
past hour. The advantage was either “Block a Vote” or “Safety without
Power.” This wasn’t for him though. He had to give it to a player on
the losing team and it had to be used at TC that night.
Tribal Council
IIRC, they started to show TC just a few minutes after the hour. It
was obvious something big/crazy was going to happen. TC went on for a
good 10 minutes (TV time) with the Tuku people debating the pros and
cons of taking out one of their own. When Jeff said, “It’s time to
vote,” Rachel spoke up and said that about 20 minutes prior she found
a scroll in her bag that had been given to her by someone on the
winning team. Jeff told her to read it. She said it was “Safety
without Power.” She then said her husband told her never to leave TC
with something in her pocket. She played the advantage, got up, and
then went back to camp. The five Tuku people were in shock.
The random draw/twist combo worked out perfectly for production. Sol
giving Rachel the chance to save herself resulted in essentially a
second TC which the Tuku players were not prepared for. Even though
they had all entertained the possibility of taking one of their own
out, it was pretty obvious that they had agreed to take the easy
route and boot Rachel. I thought T made a huge mistake saying how
important making jury was for her. There was a lot of scrambling and
private talks during this TC with T throwing Gabe UTB and Gabe
telling people to get rid of her. Even though it was not shown, I
think Sue convinced Kyle and Caroline to keep Gabe and boot T.
The vote ended up being 4–1 to boot T who was devasted to have not
made jury.
Next Episode
Caroline is ecstatic because it’s the “Survivor Auction!”
the advantage to her. Although it made sense, he could have randomly