Post by Brian SmithPost by Brian SmithTonight's episode is titled "Bob and Weave" and is two-hours long.
It's also being marketed as Part 1 of the Finale. The episode title
is probably from something Andy says. Teeny confronts him about the
vote and he tells her he decided to flip on the way to TC. If he
manages to sell that lie he deserves to win.
Based off one of the sneak peeks, I think it's a sure thing Teeny
will not win. Showing a player doing a confessional where they say
nothing went the way they thought it would is not something you
expect to see from a winner. It also looks like Rachel is the Tony of
S47, not Sue.
Another excellent episode tonight.
The start of the episode was great. Teeny is so gullible. How could
she believe that nonsensical story Andy, Sam, and Gen told her? Andy
was also super cocky. It’s like he sensed the gig was up and he was
just going to have a good laugh until he got booted.
I was surprised that Rachel told Sue about her HII. I was even more
surprised when Sue didn’t tell Rachel about hers. Looks like trust is
a one-way street for Sue.
Immunity/Reward Challenge (F6)
As Gen said, this challenge was designed for Rachel. Rachel: “I love
puzzles!” But it was Gen who won ensuring herself at least F5. The
reward was a trip to The Sanctuary for some food and wine. Sam told
Gen not to choose him as he was having stomach issues. Gen chose Sue
and Teeny.
The Sanctuary
A drunk Teeny told Sue in front of Gen that Gen’s HII is real. Has
Teeny done anything right in the game? Gen tried to sell Teeny and Sue
on taking out Rachel. Teeny was in stating she can’t beat Rachel in
fire. Possible foreshadowing?
Meanwhile, back at camp, Andy and Sam were telling Rachel that they
were voting for her because they couldn’t beat her. Rachel played into
it and turned on the tears. She put on a convincing act that she was
resigned to being the next boot. When the others got back it was made
clear that they were all voting for Rachel except for Sue.
Tribal Council
This was a good TC. Teeny, Andy, Sam, and Gen were all convinced that
it was the end for Rachel. But Gen did comment that she was worried
that Rachel would rise from the dead. Rachel didn’t die as she smartly
played her HII. She used her Block a Vote on Sam. She and Sue voted
for Andy which finally ended his run. Caroline’s reaction was
priceless. She said, “Fuck yeah!” when Jeff announced Andy had been
voted out. She also made a “thank you” gesture toward Rachel. If
Rachel makes it to the end, she’s got Caroline’s vote even if Sue is
Going into F5 it was clear that both Rachel and Gen had to win
immunity to survive. Weird as hell knowing Sue was guaranteed a spot
in F4.
Immunity Challenge
This stacking challenge looked brutal. Rachel won immunity and likely
the game at the same time.
Back at Camp
As far as I’m concerned, Sam and Gen messed up big time not working
together to target Teeny’s self-doubt about the game. Sam telling
Teeny that Gen’s idol is fake was a smart move but then gen should
have told her that Sam was lying to put a lot of doubt in Teeny’s
mind. She did have a lot of doubt in her mind but it was wasted when
they didn’t vote for her.
Tribal Council
Gen did her best to survive but it was a lost cause when she and Sam
voted for each other. Not saying that it would have saved them, but it
was worth a shot. In the end, Gen was booted by a 3–2 vote. She and
Teeny voted for Sam. FYI, Tenny said on X that the vote was planned
that way.
On a bit of a side note, Sue played her HII, but they didn’t show us
Caroline’s reaction.
Next Episode
Next week is the finale. I can’t see Rachel not winning now unless she
gets screwed over in fire. If F3 is her up against Teeny and Sue, we
might have two zero-vote finalists.
I was sad to see Gen go. Hopefully she’s asked back for S50. She’s
easily one of the top strategic players of the New Era.
I have to give Teeny credit for owning her bad gameplay. Some tweets
from tonight.
never happen again.