Post by Brian SmithTonight's episode is titled "Flipping the Win Switch." In a sneak peek
clip, Kyle tells us that he's capable of lying, etc. He explains to Gen
why he voted to boot Gabe. Clip comes across as if Kyle's about to get
serious when it comes to the strategic part of the game.
After watching tonight’s episode, I understand why Rachel plugged it the
other day. Nearly everything went her way tonight. I was impressed with
the episode. They made good use of the 90 minutes.
At the start of the episode, we got confirmation that Sue was not told
about the Gabe vote. She was not happy and felt betrayed by Caroline.
Caroline sensed this and told us she thinks she made a big mistake. She
smartly explained to Sue her reasoning which was she did not want to be
dragged to the end and end up withe nothing on her resume. She also told
Sue that she’s her number one, which made Sue happy. She also said
Survivor’s been her dream since she was 5 years old. She told us about
her ADHD and feeling stupid because she could never complete things.
It’s why she had to vote Gabe out.
Alliance of 5
Andy, Teeny, and Rachel were at the water well where they formed an
alliance. Sue and Caroline then showed up and they formed an alliance of
five so they could control votes. Rachel told us she wants an alliance
that doesn’t include Sam or Kyle or Gen. IIRC, she proposed taking out
Gen next, but Sue spoke up and said she wanted Kyle out first. Teeny
said they could do that and that if Kyle won immunity, she could decide
who to target instead. In fact, Teeny said Sue could drive the next
three votes, which surprised me.
A boat showed up with a message for the players. The note said they had
to choose one player to go on a journey and that if they couldn’t decide
they would have to draw rocks and whoever got the purple rock would be
the one to go. Gen said she wanted to go and so did Sam. Then Rachel
said she wanted to go telling us that she didn’t want either one of them
to get an advantage. So, they drew rocks, and Rachel got the purple one.
I would rate this journey as the most creative ever. Instead of being
taken to an island, Rachel was taken to a barge in the middle of the
ocean. On the barge was a table with a number of slots filled with
different color balls. Attached to the table were ropes that were
connected to weights. To win, Rachel had to slide the balls around to
get each color in their own slot before the ropes unspun and the table
went flying into the ocean. She ended up winning with what looked like
about two seconds to spare. She won a “Block a Vote” advantage which she
can use secretly up to F6.
When Rachel got back to camp, she told them about the journey truthfully
but lied about winning. She told them that she lost her vote. Sam didn’t
buy her story. Rachel told Sue and Caroline she won, which made Sue very
happy. Rachel then told Andy and Teeny which made Teeny very happy.
Immunity Challenge
This was the classic stacking blocks that spell IMMUNITY challenge. This
was well-edited and looked like it went on for a while. Rachel ended up
winning with Kyle right behind her. Rachel said she channeled her
husband who’s very patient. She said she’s the exact opposite. If they
ever do another Blood vs. Water season, they’ll have to cast Rachel and
her husband. He sounds like he would be a good player.
Back at Camp
Kyle of course was a target from the start. Andy and Rachel pushed to
take out Gen. Andy said the odds of Kyle winning his way to the end are
6.25%. Caroline basically told us that Andy’s full of shit with his
Tribal Council
Gen was pretty quiet during TC and looked very worried. I must admit I
thought she was going home until Caroline reminded her of something she
said earlier in the game. It was Gen’s comment about good players being
able to see through the noise. Caroline said she’s been repeating that
to herself every day since.
In the end Kyle was booted by a 6–1–1 vote. For some reason Kyle voted
for Teeny which seemed to shock her. Andy voted for Gen. Kyle was a
total class act when he left. Based on comments from the jury, getting
rid of him was probably a very smart move.
Next Episode
Looks like Sue, Teeny, Caroline, and Rachel want to form a women’s
alliance. Also looks like Gen might be trying to make a fake idol.