Post by Brian SmithPost by Brian SmithTonight's episode is titled "Humbled Traits" and it's 90 minutes long
as TAR37 (?) premieres right after.
More later...
Zeppo, looks like your assessment about Vula not being made for
challenges is true. They also appear to suck at strategy.
Anyway, here's what stuck out for me.
--Mary's bangs are gone!
--Star has it out for Eva for some reason. I have a feeling that this is
going to be a key element of the season.
--Like Sai, Star couldn't figure out the lock idol on her. She didn't
even try! She's also lucky she didn't get screwed over by letting others
solve it for her and telling the rest of the tribe other than Eva.
--Joe and Eva worked very well together in the IC/RC. IIRC, Eva was/is
the captain of her hockey team, so I'm not surprised she can work well
with others under pressure. Same goes for Joe being a firefighter. They
also were a good pair throwing the balls into the "net."
--Speaking of the challenge, why was Star so bent out of shape because
she had to sit out? Someone had to sit out from her tribe. Was she
pissed because Eva said she should out?
Seems like it. Keep in mind Eva admits to not understanding body
language, and she probably doesn't realize the effect of her saying
bluntly that Star should sit out. It's also odd the tribe would sit out
Star, since the challenge involved shooting balls into a hoop and it was
said that Star has basketball experience.
Post by Brian Smith--Mitch was amazing in the challenge. If the edit was accurate, he
nailed five shots in a row which is impressive as hell.
Well it says Mitch is a P.E. teacher in real-life, so he must have some
sports experience/aptitude. I think the key to that challenge is using
the Wilt Chamberlain free-shot style of underhand shooting rather the
normal overhand style everyone else used. He did that to perfection
with high arch shots that came right down the middle into the basket -
effectively, nothing but net.
Post by Brian Smith--I'd like to know how Mitch and Charity bonded so quickly? Also, why
does the rest of the tribe not like her?
Only thing I can think of was she was doing a bit of God talk when she
was saying things like God created body imperfections for whatever
reason she said, and maybe that was a turn-off to the other players.
Post by Brian Smith--Kevin's game play was so bad that they didn't even attempt to make it
look like he might survive the episode. He sucked in the challenge and
he totally misread his alliance when it came to blindsiding Sai.Bad
acting at TC also.
I was pleased that for the second episode in a row, the player voted out
was someone I didn't care for.
Post by Brian Smith--I'm glad Mary survived. I want to see her take out Sai.
I like Mary too, but I also kind like Sei. I like her enthusiasm for
playing and the proactive approach she has taken to various game
emements. I'm still trying to figure out who she reminds me of It's
not Katurah, and I'm not sure it's even someone who looks like Sei.
There's some past female player who had a similar attitude and approach
tot he game, but it's just not clocking with me right now.
Post by Brian SmithThis was an average episode but I think they laid the groundwork for
some future storylines.
Agree on both counts.