Post by Brian SmithPost by Brian SmithTonight's episode is titled "The Scales Be Tippin."
More later...
--The opening segment with Lavo back at camp after the last TC didn't
clear much up for me. Is Gen causing all of the chaos and confusion? Sol
and Teeny are clearly confused and have no idea what's going on. Rome
seems confused as well. If Gen's got them all wondering what's going on,
good for her.
Yeah, I think she is running that tribe and has Rome completely under
her control. Funny how the animus Rome was showing toward Sol seems to
have completely dissolved and they are like buddies now. I wonder if
anyone talked to Rome off-camera?
Post by Brian Smith--I thought the RC twist was great. Having them come in with just setups
for Blue and Yellow was brilliant. I was very happy when Jeff said the
two-tribe setup was just for that challenge and that no one would be
sitting out. The reward was also great. A trip to the Sanctuary where
there would be a new twist--the Survivor Social Hour where they would
get a chance to get info and bond with players from other tribes as well
as have a bit of food and play Cornhole.
--I liked that the RC had some new elements to it such as having to
knock down a heavy puzzle and then rebuild it. Did you catch Rachel
saying "No fighting guys" when they were building the puzzle?
--The Sanctuary visit was very interesting. I had no idea T wants Gabe
gone so badly. She threw him UTB and then ran it back and forth over him
several times. Very stupid move on her part doing so in front of
everyone. She must not realize that Sue and Gabe are tight. Sam and
Rachel played it smart giving up very little info.
--Andy had me laughing during the IC when he was trying to cut the rope.
He's so lucky that Sam is telling him what to do and is willing to risk
his game to drag him to the end. Tonight also showed that Sam is calling
the shots and not Sierra. If it wasn't for Sam, Andy would have gone
home for sure tonight.
--TC tonight saw one of the best blindsides in a while. Anika was super
confident that Andy was going home and had no idea that Andy, Sierra,
and Sam are in a tight alliance. She looked like she was ready to fight
after Jeff read out the votes and Andy said it was the three of them
that voted her out. I was surprised that Anika kind of accused Rachel of
knowing what the plan was.
I thought Andy's giddiness about being part of the vote was pretty
childish. He could not stop smiling, even when he was walking out of
TC, and it was really off-putting. I'm starting to really dislike the
guy and hope he gets voted out soon.
Anika looked pretty shell-shocked and the look she gave the three who
voted for her made me think for a moment she was going to say something
like "Wow - three pretty white kids vote out the minority girl with dark
skin." Fortunately, the show hasn't gotten into much racial talk since
the awful S41, but I almost thought we'd hear something here. Will be
interesting to hear what she has to say in her interview with Rob C. today.
Post by Brian Smith--At the very end, unless I missed it, they did not show the votes. We
saw Anika crying when doing her Final Words and saying how devastated
she was. Good thing for Sam's crew that she did not make the jury as I
think she would be a bitter juror.
They showed the votes. Three votes for Anika, Rachel voted for Andy and
no vote for Anika. Andy was smiling when he showed his vote. I'm
really disliking that boy.
Post by Brian SmithNext Episode
Sounds like we might be merging after a twist. If that's the case, it's
perfect timing for T and for Rachel.
It's probably that fake merge "mergatory" thing where they split into
two tribes of six plus someone who sits out and picks the tribe to
support. The winning tribe makes the merge and the losers are up for
elimination. I would love it if Andy, Rome, Sam and Gabe are somehow on
the losing tribe (unlikely) since I don't care much for any of them.